Is there a veil keeping you from seeing life from God’s perspective?

Have you ever become aware that you are not seeing things clearly because of something getting in the way?  That things can look a bit distorted and out of focus like the photo above? For those who are regular followers of this blog, you know that 2023 is a year I want to RISE UP/P; to be Resolved Intentional Serving Expectantly so I Unleash God’s Purpose/Passion in my life. I am hoping and praying that I can encourage others to do the same.  To truly Rise Up, we need to have a purpose enabling us to have a true Focus on what we are looking at or where it is we want to go.  I think that purpose is to follow Christ so that God can provide that clear vision that is not distorted by what the world wants us to think is the way to happiness.  It is a vision that is contrary to what many think fulfillment looks like to them.
The veil I talk about here can be removed when we allow ourselves to hear God’s voice and follow him.  “Following Jesus means following Him wherever He leads. It is living out an absolute trust in His judgement and plan for my life. Regardless of the hard situations that arise, my faith in Jesus tells me He is Lord of my life. All of it; the easy, hard and in between.”-Busy Blessed Women blog post. Loving Him with all our heart, Loving others as He loves us, and then trusting Him with the outcome.  Unfortunately, most of us cannot understand this until something happens in our life that we can’t understand or have no control over.  Our friend 🙂 Oswald Chambers writes, “Troubles always make us look to God, but His blessings tend to divert our attention elsewhere”  Isaiah 45:22 exhorts us to “Look to me, and be saved”

Our church welcomed our new pastor this morning.  He preached on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 Check out this link in the coming days to hear the sermon
In unpacking these 6 verses, he taught us that we are all heralds who are bring the Gospel (the Good News) into the world.  You see the Heralds jobs back in the day were to go places and proclaim what their Master or King wanted their subjects to know.  Like what I wrote last week, their words they spoke mattered because of The One who sent them to convey the message.  They spoke under and with the authority of the ruler who had sent them. He also reminded us that we are all His servants who are to bring the gospel (Good News) to our family, friends, and neighbors. The picture he described was us being given the opportunity to bring those we love platters of food prepared by a renowned chef. As a servant and a herald for our Father, my words to you are, the feast God offers is so much better. It is a banquet that lasts forever.  Not until you allow God to take the veil from your eyes, will you ever see life as He intended you to view it.  A life created by Him that can only be truly enjoyed when we live it out knowing “He wants us to pursue the desires of our heart but His are the plans that will prevail forever”  My prayer and hope is that this will help you RISE UP/P allowing you to have God Unleash His Purpose and Passion into your life bringing clarity as to what God intends for your life.  

Thanks for taking the time to read what I have written.  I truly hope that it will encourage you in some way.  Like the heralds, my desire to is to bring a message from the One who loves you that allows you to know you are special and a child of God.  Please subscribe to this blog if you haven’t already.  I can be reached by email at [email protected]

Our Words Matter especially when they are backed up with loving actions.

I am reading through Proverbs this month as there are 31 days in January and the book has 31 chapters.  Not to get ahead of myself but I love that chapter 31 is about “The Wife of Noble Character”.  It will launch us into February and give us a two week head start to preparing for Valentine’s Day.  But I digress……….:) Proverbs 15 has 30 verses.  9 of them remind us that our words matter.  These verses exhort us saying, what we say can either hurt or encourage those to whom the words are directed. , , Although Proverbs 16 is about the Lord directing our steps, of 33 verses in Proverbs 16 are about the impact our words can have on others.  

Today, we remember Martin Luther King.  He certainly was a man whose words encouraged and motivated others to commit to making a difference.  Here is what I wrote about him last year.  
 On this day do you remember? There is a reason that Dion’s song, “Does anyone here” remains one of my favorites. When we fret about where our world is today, look back. I was 11 when JFK was killed and 16 when Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were also assassinated. It was a very divisive and scary time. My question on this MLK Day is not do we remember these men, but in our remembrance, how does it motivate us to be better men and women?I had the privilege of helping our local newspaper find people to share their thoughts on what Martin Luther King’s life meant to them. Here is the link should be interested in what was written Dr. King lived a life that left a legacy for all to follow. It causes us as Jeff Burton writes, to “ask ourselves, how is it today that I can act; what can I do to leave this place better than I found it; to do our small part to inspire others for good” Nathan Walton, in the publication noted above, asks, “What story are we telling?…..This day gives us an opportunity to tell a new story for our own moment” As we look back this MLK quote should help to move us forward.  “We have come a long, long way but we still have a long, long way to go.”City of Promise ED, Mary Coleman writes that our story needs to be one where we have learned from the past so we can be exhorted to help make a brighter future. She asks, “Where do we go from here? Will we choose chaos or community in a unified manner that King describes as persevering togetherness.” Yes! There is my 2022 Word. Unity. Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward YES! We can be motivated by others to make our story one that sets an example for those around us. It can be a story line that causes Breakthrough by lifting up others and like MLK, motivating them to pursue peace while making a positive difference in the world versus creating divisiveness and selfishly ignoring those who need our help. Dr King was in no way a perfect man. But he was a man who believed he was redeemed by His Creator and called into a work that would ultimately cost him his life. This gives me hope as I hope it will you. It teaches nothing is impossible for those who love God. Luke 1:37 promises us “that we have the privilege of serving a God who can literally do anything, and there is nothing that is impossible for him.Therefore let us strive to live out the beatitudes noted in Matthew 5:1-12Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you like Dr King.
When we live our life this way, we will leave our personal legacy that others will continue because of the way we motivated them. May we all honor Dr King but choosing our words carefully in an effort to changing the world for good not for evil.  Please subscribe to this blog so you can receive an email notification when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

Does having a purpose driven life create pressure or motivation in your life

Last week I shared my word for 2023, RISE.  In the blog, I shared that I want to RISE UP/P this year.  I want to be Resolved, Intentional, Serving, Expectantly Unleashing God’s Purpose and Passion.  Interestingly enough, I had the chance to listen to a Podcast where my thoughts were challenged.  The guest on the show took exception to the concept of a Purpose Driven Life that Rick Warren wrote in his best selling book twenty years ago  She shared that America has been traumatized by the pressure that everyone feels to have a purpose and leave a lasting legacy so that one will be remembered.  There is no doubt that the pressure to succeed, to make something out of yourself, can eat you up and spit you out.  The lack of life balance has caused many to wake up one day with the regret and question of. “what have I done with this life?” 
I would like to offer you a different perspective on having purpose. 
Instead of it being seen as a negative, Knowing who you are meant to be can help free you up to live an enriched and fulfilled life. 
It can be as simple as leading others to a desire to make a positive difference in the world no matter where you are placed.  One can rise up to this endeavor no matter if they care for kids, bag groceries, run a company, etc. Whether it is personal or in business, it is about building relationships not being transactional.  Not trying to chase the deal or get something out of a friendship but instead asking the question how can I serve?  The negative pressure the podcast speaker spoke about can be alleviated if one finds something they love versus feeding their ego or doing something to appease someone else. 

Here is another way of looking at seeking wisdom on how your life is to be lived.  I am reading through Proverbs this month.  Chapter 10  challenges us to seek wisdom while also heeding God’s discipline to find the way life was meant to be lived.  Yes it is our life to live but verse 17 says by ignoring correction we can lead others astray. You may not think you are a leader but others are watching how you do life.  

The (above mentioned) speaker and I are in agreement on one thing for sure.  Our life should be one that is stress free and without the pressure of measuring up in some way.  God promises peace and joy even in the midst of difficult circumstances.  How can that be you might ask.  My answer from both the old and new testament is quite simple.  He calls me to love Him with all my heart and love others as He loves me.  The life of peace and joy free from the anxieties of the world comes when we live our lives doing these two things and then letting go and trusting Him with the outcome.  

Thanks for reading this blog post.  It means more than you know.  If you haven’t already please subscribe so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted.  I can be reached by email at michael@mrg7175,com

Are you ready to RISE UP/P with me in 2023

It is that time of year again. Most of you have already begun to think about what you hope to accomplish in 2023.  I certainly have done the same and look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me.  One way I do this is by choosing One Word on which to focus.  As I wrote last year, I think about what my Word will be during the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany means “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way”

I use the season between Christmas and the manifestation of Jesus to reflect and focus on what I think God wants my focus to be for the coming year.  It is different than resolutions.  In fact, I use my word to help me make the most out of every moment of every day.  The last few years have seen me focus on Prayer, Generosity, Embrace to what I think was my most impactful word last year UNITY. So many amazing things happened both personally and professionally because of concentrating on Unity. 

I am grateful that the last 10 days of the year slow down from a business stand point.  Like in the song from Rent, I use it as an opportunity to look back and measure the year
525,600 minutes
525,000 moments so dear
525,600 minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

Brad Caldwell who I hope to meet one day challenged folks this week to not be afraid to look back before you rush to set new goals and make New Year’s resolutions.  He asked a legitimate question, “Now that the year is over, would your word be different than the one you set on January 1st?  If you had known, “would you have crafted other goals than the ones you so confidently set for yourself for 2022?

I have no doubt God provided me an epiphany with the words from previous years and I felt the impact of my Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward Yes (UNITY) this year.  I am counting on the same with my word for 2023 as I endeavor to RISE to whatever circumstances come my way.  I break down the word this way: Resolved Intentional Serving Expectantly and as I RISE UP/P my actions will be about Unleashing (God’s) Purpose/Passion for my life. 

Matthew 13:33 says – “The kingdom of Heaven is like a yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.”  The dough needs to be kneaded so the proteins begin to line up in such a way that strands of gluten develop and create a structure that allows for the trapping of gases and the dough to RISE.

I want God to kneed into me the yeast I need to RISE UP/P and be the person He can use for His good pleasure.  May I submit my life to Him so in a way that The apostle Paul referred to our bodies as “jars of clay” (2 Corinthians 4:7, NIV). To say that we are clay in the hands of the Potter acknowledges God’s handiwork as the Master Potter, or Creator, of our physical body.  May it be in 2023. 

I would love to hear what your One Word is for 2023.  I can be reached by email at [email protected].  If you haven’t already, please subscribe so that you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. 

May you experience the wonders of His love

Somehow I got my signals crossed this year.  I had the first candle representing peacewith the 4th and last designating love.So bear with me as I share my thoughts on what Christmas teaches us about how we are to love one another.
The season of Advent andScripture reminds us to Have HOPE , Share JOY so that you can experience the PEACE that the angels promised the shepherds.  Maybe I put Love last because of 1 Corinthians 13:13 “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”  Tina Turner asked in her classic song, “What’s love got to do with it?” The bible answers this question with “it has everything to do with it.”  Jesus in John 16;27 says, “No, the Father himself loves you because you have loved me and have believed that I came from God.” We celebrate Christmas because God loved us so much that He sent His one and only Son.  He came to redeem us so that we might have the opportunity to know real love.  It is important to remember that if Easter doesn’t happen, there is no reason to celebrate Christmas as:

Oswald Chambers explains it this way. “The inner reality of redemption is that it creates all the time. And as redemption creates the life of God in us, it also creates the things which belong to that life. The only thing that can possibly satisfy the need is what created the need. This is the meaning of redemption— it creates and it satisfies our truest need to be in relationship with God.  

He stands knocking on the the door of each of our hearts.  (Revelation 3:30) He won’t barge in but waits for us to “ask Him in so that we can receive” (Matthew 7:7) 
Tina Turner sings,
I’ve been taking on a new direction
But I have to say
I’ve been thinking about my own protection
It scares me to feel this way
Don’t be scared.  Let Go and Let God.  Only can we then experience the “wonders of His Love.” And when we do, love others as He loves us so they can experience the true spirit of the Season.  

I can be reached by email at [email protected].  Please subscribe to this blog to receive email notifications when new content is posted.  Happy Holidays everyone.  

What is the real meaning of Joy!

The third candle lit on the Advent wreath recognizes the virtue Joy. Charles Stanley says “True Joy is found when our hearts are awakened and therefore our lives transformed by the riches of God’s love. Psalm 16:11 says, “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore. God longs to make you a joyful person from the inside out. He does not want our joy based on circumstances or the fleeting whims of the world. He desires us to wait on Him to fill us up so we can go out and spread that Joy. Allowing yourself to be filled with His Holy Spirit allows your mindset to overflow with satisfaction and hope. That spill over can’t help but positively impact those paths we cross.Unfortunately, many are asking the question, why don’t I have that Joy or where is the Joy in my life? Paul in His letter to the Romans answers those questions. “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” Why is this the answer? Because we need to look to God for the four virtues of Advent and not what the temporal things the world offers. Many people make the mistake of thinking Joy means being happy. Instead, experiencing Joy means being content and at peace no matter what the experience. Pastor E.V. Hill preached a message on this saying, “We think of ourselves all packed up and ready for God to move us to a happier place. Instead, when God’s moving truck pulls up, we realize He is is not moving us out, He is moving in and has lots to unpack.” For our Joy to be made full, we need to get rid of our worries and anxieties so the Lord can bring in Hope, Love, Joy, and Peace into our lives. The more we can remember Jesus is our greatest Joy so we get rid of stuff that is keeping God from entering in to our lives, the more He can be present and teach us His ways.
He wants and desires for us to bloom where we are planted bringing beauty to those who benefit from seeing your Joyful countenance.
So on this third Sunday of Advent as you wait on the Lord, ask yourself what is holding you back? What circumstances, fears,anxieties,doubts,etc are keeping you from allowing God to move into your life? Christmas reminds us that finding Joy is possible because :
For unto us a Child is born,
Unto us a Son is given;
And the government will be upon His shoulder.
And His name will be called
Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6 (one of 55 Old Testament prophesies fulfilled in Jesus’ birth, life, death and resurrection )May this 3rd Sunday of Advent fill you with Joy. Please subscribe to this blog so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected]  

If you want to go fast, Go alone, if you want to go far, Go Together!

Jesus sent the disciples out in two’s. Why? Because even though they could have gotten to more places alone, there is power in sharing in the things that come our way, There is added impact when two or more people work together toward a shared goal.

I have been thinking a lot about this lately. We all need others in our lives. Jenni Marie in Kindred Grace shares that Life was not meant to be lived alone. She asks, “When did you last give up? Were you also alone?” When you have failed in life, were you alone?” She then makes the case of why being a mentor or having one is so important. God wants us to know the value of asking for help versus stubbornly trying to do things on our own. She writes, “As I started to value community, I was able to flourish. I reap the benefits when I ask for help.” When we are blessed to have people there for us, we are exhorted to be the one offering help to someone in need. Jenni shares it “does not need to be limited to a mentor-mentee relationship as might be traditionally expected. Although the formal and in-person relationships are beautiful, only one of my advisors has accepted and embraced the title of mentor. The rest? I doubt they even know how much I lean on them for life and business wisdom.” Even the Apostle Paul needed a Barnabus. He also mentored younger men like Timothy and Timothy would eventually become pastor of the church at Ephesus, and certainly the letters of 1 and 2 Timothy express how much Paul loved and cared for him.

My daughter shared advice with me this weekend that was the impetus for me writing this blog. A friend told her to surround herself with people she could trust from every decade. I turned 70 this month so it is harder to find folks in higher decades than me but as I thought about Katie’s comment, I realized that I am blessed to have dear friends in their upper 70’s :), 80’s, and 90’s who I can go to for advice or just follow the example they set for me and others. I also can say I have people around me from every decade below me down to my two 4 year old granddaughters. I can learn from them and I hope all in their teens, 20’s, 30’s, 40’s etc will be encouraged by what I say or how I live my life that helps them along the way.

I encourage each of us to find people whether younger or older who we can trust to be there for us. I also hope we will look for ways to give back by finding others who would benefit from your mentoring.

Never forget however, that God is with you and therefore, you are never alone. Reminds us that God’s promises are eternal, and He will provide love, comfort, and courage so we can live an abundant life in Him and through Him. We live in a fallen world where we are bound to get hurt. But God will never leave us nor forsake us. One of the ways He fulfills this promise is by providing others to walk along side us as we navigate through the blessings and adversity that will come our way. May we all find ways to help others remain thankful in all things.

Thanks for finding this blog. If you haven’t already, Please subscribe so that you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. You can reach me by email at [email protected]

In tragedy and loss, how can we be encouraged

Little did I know how timely my blog post would be when I posted it last Saturday. Tragedy hit suddenly on Sunday when a fellow student shot and killed three members of the UVA football team and injured another football player and a manager of the track team. This event pushed forward the need for Having a firm foundation when adversity comes our way. 

Someone I know wrote me after we received an email where the sender used the words, “We’re so grateful and Be encouraged”  He raised the question how can someone write these words after such a horrific act took place?  I have thought a lot about that question and waited until after the memorial service for these 3 fine young men to try and put my answer into words. 

Two comments that were made by UVA football coach, Tony Elliott, shed some light on why we can be grateful and encouraged. 
First, this tragedy will be turned into triumph. Psalms 30:5 reminds us, “Weeping may stay for the night, but joy comes in the morning.” He went on to say, “we may not know how long the night will last but just like the morning our joy will return. Lavell, D’Sean, and Devin would want it that way.  Several teammates spoke and time and time again they shared how grateful they were to have had these guys in their lives and that they would carry them in their hearts forever.  The second comment he made was “doing hard stuff brings people together.”  We can be encouraged and find how to be thankful in all things when we are reminded that adversity bring Unity.  This was evident around the country. In solidarity, former coaches wore UVA gear as they coached for their current teams.  Schools shined blue and orange on their buildings.  UVA and Baylor basketball teams met at mid-court to pray after their game Friday night.  Baylor also wrote notes to their opponents 

How do we find gratitude and encouragement in the midst of sadness and loss?  By having a firm foundation that comes from having confidence and hope in the promised word of God as revealed to you. It is taking God at His words knowing that He is too faithful to fail, and will never go back on His promises.  Promises like Psalms 34:18 “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” There was no doubt yesterday that the families of Lavel, Devin, and D’Sean and those who spoke had that confidence and hope.I believe they left the service yesterday with sadness but grateful to the Lord for the encouragement they have received. They understand their hope is not in this world but in the world to come promising them that yes, they will see their loved ones again.
I hope you have been encouraged by what I have written this week.  I can be reached by email at [email protected]  For those interested, here is a link to the entire memorial service.  I think it is well worth watching

When the storms of Adversity come, is your life on a firm foundation

I turned 70 this past week.  I thought 60 got my attention!  Yikes! I was fortunate to receive many gifts for my birthday. It reminded me of the thought, “God has given us a gift to be in relationship with Him. All we have to do is open it up in our hearts.” Like Nicodemus, we can have a spiritual birthday as well. I am grateful that I will celebrate my 44th spiritual birthday later this month.  I accepted the gift God offered me through His Son at Hilltop Ranch in Maryland on a Young Life weekend. 

When asked what I wanted for my birthday, my only wish was to get my family together and that is what happened.(see picture above) After dinner, everyone read Haikus (Maikus 🙂 they had written about me. It was such an affirmation of their love for me and an acknowledgement of the way I have tried to live out the gift God gave me in 1978. 

Philippians 1:29 says, “For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe in him, but also to suffer for him.” Oswald Chambers writes in My Upmost, “If you are born again, the Spirit of God makes the change very evident in your real life and thought. And when a crisis comes, you are the most amazed person on earth at the wonderful difference there is in you.

I knew I believed in God but I had never really suffered until my bout with Guillain Barre Syndrome. As I lay paralyzed in the hospital bed, I experienced the Spirit of God in an entirely new way. It was made evident in what was my real now health challenged life and in what I found myself thinking. I was the most amazed person as I realized there was a wonderful difference in me. I was not scared. I was not fearful. Why? Because there was no doubt, God was with me as He had been for most of my life. The suffering drew me deeper into my faith because it was made real in a way that, when all is well, it is just not the same.

I love the lyrics of a song.
Jesus You”re my firm foundation, I know I can stand secure
Jesus You”re my firm foundation, I put my hope in Your holy word
I put my hope in Your holy word
I have a living hope 
I have a future 
God has a plan for me 
Of this I”m sure.

I am confident whatever comes my way I can trust the Lord with the outcome. My birthday gift to you is sharing that you can have this same foundation on which to weather any storm. It come when you put your hope in the One that created you and has made it possible to be in a relationship with you. There is no greater gift I can offer. As many of you know, “you will be the most amazed person on earth at the wonderful difference it will make in you.

I can be reached by email at [email protected]. I would love to hear from you.

Where has the last three years gone?

I went to Chicago this month in an airplane.  As I watched from my window seat while the plane took off, I was struck by the fact that I hadn’t flown anywhere since January of 2020.  It surprised me how unsettling this was in conjunction with losing out on most of 2019 due to my battle with Gullian-Syndrome. If you are a recent reader of this blog, here is the link that chronicles my recovery from that crazy disease. Processing what I went through, led to me starting this blog so that I could share with those who were interested, what I have learned since all of this happened.  Here is a link to one of the first blog posts back in the fall of 2019. Wow!  My life changed because of Guillain-Barre and then because of Covid given GBS is a compromised immune system disorder.

Since that plane trip and with my 70th birthday right around the corner, I have dealt with grieving over the time lost and things I did not get to do. It is time I can’t get back.  It caught me by surprise how The Chicago trip brought it all back.  My self reflection leaves me hoping that like this picture, I have had some success at “blooming where I have been planted”. It hasn’t been easy.  I have written about how I have been envious of what others were able to do while Dottie and I remained in our self-isolated cocoon.

Yes.  I was discouraged but, I never lost hope.  Why?  When I was first diagnosed with GBS, a doctor friend shared, “it will get worse but you will get better”. I found these words comforting because it allowed me to focus on a positive outcome.  A Realtor in my company shared the other day that “Stress is when you don’t what will be your next steps”.  Even though I was paralyzed from the head down, I never felt stress but began asking the question, What do I need to do next to speed up my recovery?  My next steps were to remember Paul’s promise in Philippians 4:6,7.  Instead of succombing to the angst of my circumstances, I was to, “not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.”  I was to, remember that Jesus said to come to Him with my burdens and He would give me rest.

So how I have resolved the question, “where have the last 3 years gone”? I meditate on Jeremiah 29:11 remembering God knows the plans He has for me
and therefore like Paul, 

Do you feel stressed out?  Are their circumstances in your life that create anxiety?  Maybe your next steps should be what Beth Moore recently wrote.  ‘“We cannot take God at his word if we don’t know his words. If we don’t know his promises, we cannot profess with confidence that he will keep every last one of them. Spend some time in Scripture every single day. Will you ask God to give you an insatiable appetite to know Him better.”

Thanks for stopping by my blog.  It means so much that you took time to read it.  Please share it with others if you think it might be an encouragement to them. I would love for you to subscribe so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted.  I can be reached by email at [email protected]