The One Word several years ago by Dan Britton, Jon Gordon, and Jimmy Page. . https://www.onewordchallenge.com/
I am not sure they have ever thought about how cool it is that we choose our Word after Advent and Christmas right before the manifestation of Christ in what is called the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany also means “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way” I..E. Allowing your word for the year coming into focus ?
I had no idea that I would need so much PRAYER in 2019 until I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. (Link to the story here (https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelguthrie ) In 2020 I chose GENEROSITY because of how folks cared for Dottie and me in 2019. Little did I know how many folks would need help because of Covid. EMBRACE has been my One Word in 2021 because I wanted to embrace whatever came my way personally or professionally. Our company merged with a larger one in March.
I may not have known why the last three years, but it is clear what I will concentrate in 2022. I really thought it would be BREAKTHROUGH. It is defined by Merriam-Webster this way. “A sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc. : an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something” The world we live in is desperately seeking understanding and explanations to the many challenges we face these days. However, for us to experience true breakthrough, we must have a desire to enact change and to make that happen we need my 2022 word UNITY.
Why? If we are to have UNITY there needs to be an UNCOMPROMISED NEVER ending INTENSITY TOWARD YES! If we can come together and proceed in this effort, we can allow God to use us in forming community (committing to Unity) that brings breakthrough. Together we can help Him release this bound up world.
Let me be clear. Being Unified does not mean uniformity. We are not and do not have to all be or look the same. In fact Unity is more powerful when it is made up of people who don’t think and look alike and come from different places. I wrote a few weeks back about how the different colors of the leaves make trees more beautiful in the fall. https://thankfulinallthings.com/beauty-can-be-created-by-one-or-in-many/ An orchestra or a choir make beautiful music when they are unified in their harmony and when they know their time to sing or play an instrument
This can not be an individual effort because we will grow tired and weary. No. As John Tillman writes, “rather than attempt to sweep our own house clean and empty, may WE invite Jesus into our mess (Revelation 3.20) so we can be UNITED with Him. He promises to do a renewing, revealing work within and through not you and and therefore, US. He has work of renewal for US to join Him in now. And He who begins a good work in US will see it through to completion (Philippians 1.6). When he is finished, we will have revealed Him to the world.” Like a light shining in the darkest of places.

Yes friends……………Christmas is over. The waiting for Jesus is over. The fun and celebration is behind us.
Howard Thurman’s poem so beautifully reminds us the hard work is now to be done.
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers [and sisters],
To make music in the heart.
“Lord, may we glorify You this coming year by letting go, embracing and rejoicing in Your reign over all things. May we trust Your word never to return void, but in UNITY may we strive to accomplish all You marvelously intend” https://astherainandsnow.com/author/astherainandsnow/
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Beautiful. I love the Word unity and the examples you share. You have a special gift of reaching others through words.
I’ve chosen progress this year. I got stuck towards the end of 2021 in FEAR, old hurts, and forgotten some earlier lessons that had been catalyst for good changes.
Growing up Catholic we didn’t study the Bible as much here so I don’t know if there are specific versus- but I do know progress for me means striving to be better than I am today and if I’m not my best I seek for forgiveness, do better towards others, and progress towards letting go and letting God guide the direction and path he has for me. Progress to me is moving towards something. A better understanding and to continue to studying on Sundays. Progress towards financial independence and becoming closer to my authentic self by using the gifts and talents God gave me. I can also serve others with kind words, thoughts, time, and money to help others progress. Sorry I’m progressing and will measure my progress this year.
That should say So, I’m progressing and measure my progress.
I love this Kelly. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Michael for this post. Encouraging and challenging. Peace.
Great post! Breakthrough!
Thank you Brielle! Means a lot to hear from you.