God wants us to Abide in Him.

I really want to “finish well” in the time I have left here on earth. I have recently written on Focusing on “What’s Next” and learning how to focus on others rather than myself. It has led me to the realization that if I am to finish well I must learn how to Abide which is defined as “accepting or acting in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation)

Jerry Bridges says there are four essential elements to finishing well. https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/four-essentials-to-finishing-well He writes, “I have come to the conclusion that there are four fundamental actions we can take to help us finish well. There may be other issues that are important, but I believe these four are fundamental. They are:

  • daily time of focused personal communion with God
  • daily appropriation of the gospel
  • daily commitment to God as a living sacrifice
  • firm belief in the sovereignty and love of God” 

All of these lead me back to the command that I am to abide in Christ. Like the definition, I need to accept the rule that God created me and my life is better lived if I act in accordance with that belief. The word Abide initially promotes a peaceful and restful posture and yet it is an active verb, not a feeling or a belief, but something we do. It means to “remain” or “stay”, even “attached or rooted” in the One who wants to nourish us to be the best we can so we can finish well. John 15:5 says we are to be like a branch rooted in love that can only live if it is attached to the vine. It entails far more than the idea of continued belief in the Savior. It means actively living out our lives in the way God’s Son lived His life before He died for us. By this we know that we are in Him: the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as He walked” (1 John 2;4-6) Psalms 37:23,24 promises us that “The Lord will firm up the steps of the one who delights (abides) in Him. We will make mistakes and stumble but will not fall because Lord is there upholding us with His hand” 1 John 2:10 reinforces the psalmist saying, “The one who loves his brother abides in the Light and there is no cause for stumbling in him”

This is the man I want to be. A man who endeavors to walk in the manner seen in the life of Christ. A man who knows he has and will stumble and make mistakes but won’t fall because the Lord is always there and promises to never fail me. May my actions exhibit that I believe that God is in control of my life and therefore I accept and will act accordingly with that truth. May I be like Jeremiah who prayed: “Let me not boast of my wisdom
    or boast of my strength
    or boast of the provisions I have been provided or in what I have accomplished.
But let me be the one who boasts about this:
    that they I have an understanding of who God is and that He loves me.
that He is the Lord, who exercises kindness,
    justice and righteousness on earth and,
    for in me He delights,”
Jeremiah 9:23,24 (Guthrie version :)) Therefore, may my answer to What’s Next always be to Abide in Him!

Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that my One Word for this year is RISE! https://thankfulinallthings.com/are-you-ready-to-rise-up-p-with-me-in-2023/ Resoved, Intentional, Striving for Extraordinary things with a focus on What’s Next. May my answer to What’s Next always be to Abide in Him! I hope I have encouraged you to do the same. You can reach me by email at [email protected]

The beauty of being unselfish

Those who have spent any time with me know I have certain catch phrases. “Remain thankful in all things”, “Turn Gratitude from a noun into a verb”, “This is not our room/meeting it is God’s” , and “Lead with a servant heart”. Oswald Chambers this week summed these up by writing, “So we are to live and move and have our being in God, to look at everything in relation to God.”https://utmost.org/ The bible calls this mindset, dying to oneself. Billy Graham writes, “In order for a tree or any plant to grow and bear fruit, its seed must first be planted in the ground and die. In order for fruit to appear in our lives, we must first be planted in the Word of God and then die to self. https://billygraham.org/answer/what-does-it-mean-to-die-to-self/

We are all the center of our own universes. We are in every moment of our every day. God created us to follow and obey Him. Mr. Chambers’ quote above teaches that we are to be outward focused instead of living life with an “it’s all about me” mentality. “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” The new is about filling ourselves with God through the Holy Spirit so the phrases I mentioned earlier become a reality in how we treat others that we encounter along the way.

Oswald Chambers writes about the need to Abide in Christ if we are to live out the life God has for us. “A true disciple is one who has his new name written all over him— self-interest, pride, and self-sufficiency have been completely erased.” John 15:13 says it is about dying to ourselves. “There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” Laying down our lives means moving away from our own self interests to a mindset of loving God and having a desire to serve and be there for others. It is a moment by moment effort; focusing on (as I wrote about in my last blog post) only “What’s Next?” https://thankfulinallthings.com/simplify-your-life-by-just-focusing-on-whats-next/

Mr. Chambers teaches that “In the initial stages it will be a continual effort to abide, but as you continue, it will become so much a part of your life that you will abide in Him without any conscious effort.” Another way of looking at it is, the more we fill ourselves with God through the Holy Spirit, the less we will be worried about what’s best for us and more about what’s best for everyone else. This type of lifestyle will undoubtably create a positive impact on those who experience your care for them. The impact on you will be a sweet joy that comes from experiencing your true call and living your life in a way that honors God.

Thanks for finding and reading this blog. Please subscribe if you haven’t already. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

Simplify your life by just focusing on “What’s Next!”

It has been five weeks since I last shared my thoughts on how we are to remain “thankful in all things.” I hope some of you noticed and maybe even missed my entries 🙂 There has been a lot going on so I decided to step back a little bit to see if continuing the blog was something I really wanted to do.

During this time, the concept of focusing on “What’s Next” jumped back into my head. It came from when I was recovering from Guillain Barre Syndrome back in 2019, http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelguthrie I was paralyzed from the neck down with only a little movement in two toes and two fingers. I honestly don’t know how the “what’s next” mindset came to me. I do know that it was what caused me to focus on what to do next to ensure my recovery versus lamenting my current limitations.

It was all about crossing the T off I CAN’T so that I would have the desire and discipline knowing I Can. Whether it was establishing a routine of taking a nap, eating right, or doing extra rehab sessions, I would say to those caring for me, “just tell me what I need to do next” Dottie and I even decided to not ask how long I would be in rehab because we thought the length would just discourage us. It really became a moment by moment, day by day discipline of not getting ahead of where we were at that point of time.

Over these past few weeks I have been striving to, once again, put this “what’s next” mentality into practice. I have realized staying in the now will propel me forward in both my professional and my personal life. The Israelites were challenged by God in this way. Numbers 9:19: “Yet you in your manifold mercies forsook them not in the wilderness: the pillar of the cloud departed not from them by day, to lead them in the way; neither the pillar of fire by night, to show them light, and the way wherein they should go.” Isaiah 40;31 reminds us. “But those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint.” The lesson? Waiting and not looking to far ahead allows us to stay the course without getting discouraged on how far we have to go.

Once in a while, take the time to look back so that you can see how far you have come motivating you forward to where it is you are trying to go or what it is you are trying to achieve.

A friend encouraged me the other day to focus on staying in the now because that is where God resides. It reminded me of Gregory Boyd’s book, Present Perfect. We can’t change what happened in the past but we can learn lessons from it. We can plan for the future but it is not guaranteed. https://biblia.com/bible/niv/james/4/13-15 What we do in the now will help determine what comes next. More often than not, you will fail because we are weak, undisciplined or something causes us to lose our desire. I encourage you to focus only on what’s next using what Jesus told the disciples when they asked, “How are to do your work”? He simply said stay in the now. There is no There is no better way to do “what’s next” “Strive to love me with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.  Knowing I love you, Love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:30,31. That way you will know God will be in control of the outcome no matter the result.

Thanks for reading my thoughts on the power of What’s Next. I would love to have you subscribe to the blog if you haven’t already. I can be reached by email at [email protected] Remain #thankfulinallhings.

How does God’s work in your life impact others?

My last blog entry was about how Barabbas’ life was literally saved by Jesus. https://thankfulinallthings.com/barabbas-crucify-him-crucify-him/ You have to wonder how Jesus dying on the cross impacted Barabbas once he found out he was freed. The other character in the story is Pontius Pilate. One has to wonder how Jesus dying and the reports he had been resurrected would have changed his life. One thing is for sure. He should have listened to his wife. Matthew 27:19 states, “While he was sitting on the judgment seat, his wife sent him a message, saying, “Have nothing to do with that righteous Man; for last night I suffered greatly in a dream because of Him.”

We are not sure how Jesus life, death and resurrection impacted Barabbas and Pilate but John 12:9 that Jesus raising Lazarus from the death impacted those who were there when it happened or heard about it. “Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead.” I would hope that both Barabbas and the Pontius Pilate would, having seen the error of their ways, have sought out those who were Christ’s followers so they too, could begin a life changing faith journey.

But what about us? Has God impacted our lives in such a way that people want to hear your story like they wanted to hear from Lazarus? The scriptures are clear. We are to be ambassadors for Christ. https://www.biblehub.com/2_corinthians/5-20.htm People are to know we are people of faith by our love. https://biblehub.com/john/13-35.htm Those around you will be attracted to God because of the fruit of the spirit found in Galatians 5:22,23 you produce. https://www.bibleinfo.com/en/questions/fruit-of-the-spirit

I think Lazarus learned from the blind man who when asked about Jesus said, “Whether he is a sinner or not, I don’t know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” John 9:25 It may not have been as dramatic but, “Has God made Himself real in your life?” If so, are crowds or even individuals coming to you because they want to hear your story? If not, what needs to change about how you are living your life. If so, are you prepared in the way Peter challenges us in Peter 3:15  But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” We may not have been made to see or hear but when we encounter God through Christ, we can say as in proclaimed in the song Amazing Grace,

My chains are gone, I’ve been set free
My God, my Savior has ransomed me
And like a flood His mercy reigns
Unending love, amazing grace

I wish this for each and everyone of you who has read this blog. My hope is that Barabbas, Pilate and his wife also realized this truth and found themselves saved by the One who came to save us all. That would be wonderful if true. Please subscribe to this blog if you haven’t already and share it with others who you think might be encouraged by it. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

Barabbas! Crucify him! Crucify him!

One of my favorite Easter sermons of all time was by our former pastor and still dear friend, Skip Ryan. He took us to Matthew 27:15-26 https://www.bible.com/bible/111/MAT.27.15-26.niv when the arrested Jesus is being questioned by Pontius Pilate. He make it clear the charges made against Jesus were bogus and wanted nothing to do with sentencing him to death. As the Governor, he had the authority to release a prisoner during the festival. He chose the most heinous criminal Barabbas to offer to the crowd versus Jesus. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Barabbas-biblical-figure He was convinced that the large crowd that had gathered would certainly want Jesus saved over this insurgent rebel. He was wrong!

Skip had us imagine Barabbas in the jail waiting to be sentenced to death. He shared that in those open window cells he could probably hear the chants of the stirred up crowds. He wouldn’t have been able to hear Pilate questioning or Jesus answering but he could definitely hear the shouts from those who had gathered; some who had been paid to https://www.gotquestions.org/Crucify-Him.html work the people into a frenzy. All he could do was hear what the throngs in the street were shouting. First he heard his name called out. Barabbas! Barabbas! and then…..Crucify him! Crucify him! When the jailers came to his cell door, he was stunned to hear, “you are free to go”. But wait, “I heard my name being called out to be crucified. What happened?” The answer. “The crowds chose Jesus to be crucified in your place”. You have to imagine that Barabbas immediately went out to find out who was this man Jesus.

Barabbas personifies each and every one of us. We may not have done the things deserving of death that he did but as it says in Romans, “We all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” https://biblehub.com/romans/3-23.htm Like Barabbas, Jesus came to this world to live a human life and die on our behalf. Today, we celebrate that He rose from that death so that we might enter in to a relationship with His Father.

How do we know it actually happened? John 20:19 says, “the disciples were together, with the doors locked for fear of the Jewish leaders” https://biblehub.com/john/20-19.htm Let’s be honest. Most of us would have done the same thing. Their leader was dead and they were thinking they were next. Instead, as history shows, most of them died martyr deaths preaching the teachings of Jesus and testifying to His resurrection. https://www.christianitytoday.com/history/2008/august/how-do-we-know-10-of-disciples-were-martyred.html This fact was critical to me becoming a person of faith. If you aren’t on a faith journey, I hope it will cause you to ponder as well.

Easter is about God making it possible for you to be in a relationship with Him. Revelation 3:20 says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.” It’s up to you to open the door of your heart to him. He died for Barabbas and He died for you and me. Why not open the door and find out your life will be changed when you allow Him to be present in your life?

Happy Easter. Hallelujah! He is Risen! Thanks for reading this blog. If you haven’t already, please subscribe so that you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

The importance of laying our burdens down

A couples group, of which my wife and I are members, had an interesting discussion about what it means when Jesus says in Matthew 11, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” I have thought a lot about what this means this week and my purpose of this blog is to share my thoughts hoping it will help you to give it some thought. If you remember my blog post https://thankfulinallthings.com/musings-on-psalms-23/ , verse 2 says the Lord will make us lie down in green pastures. Upon further reflection this verse is not about the Lord, our Shepherd, forcing us to lie down. Instead it is about taking away every distraction or worry so that we can actually relax and rest. Psalm 23:1–3 tells us that the shepherd meets the sheeps’ every need: food, water, rest, safety, and direction. Without this being done, the sheep won’t lay down and rest. Aren’t there many times in our lives that we feel the same way? Good and challenging things coming at us from every direction? Just like the storms the disciples faced in their boat, Jesus promises to calm the wind and waves that cause us anxiety and stress. https://www.biblehub.com/luke/8-24.htm He challenges us to “Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”https://www.bible.com/bible/111/MAT.11.28-30.niv

I have thought a lot about this picture of us taking Jesus’ yoke upon us. Can you imagine getting strapped into this yoke without someone next you? I am guessing none of us would make much progress. It would be hard and we would probably walk around in circles. Isn’t that like life when we endeavor to do things on our own? https://vickiejblair.com/2018/01/24/the-purpose-of-the-yoke/ Asking for help not only makes it easier, more productive, but probably more enjoyable too. Jesus want us to lay our burdens down saying, when we do, we will find rest for our souls.

Another interesting thought about the Yoke is farmers will put a stronger more experienced farm animal with one that is not as strong. The stronger and more experienced one helps the weaker one get stronger. That is what Jesus is conveying to us. In our weakness, Christ will make us strong. 2nd Corinthians 12:9 says,  “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Jesus does His best work in us when we admit we can’t do things on our own and say “yes Lord, let me strap in with you so you can make my burdens light.” As we become stronger in our faith, we can harness ourselves to others who are not as strong so that they might learn from us.

Max Lucado writes, “The key is this: Meet today’s problems with today’s strength. Don’t start tackling tomorrow’s problems until tomorrow. You do not have tomorrow’s strength yet. You simply have enough for today. “You need someone in the other Yoke space to lift your spirits. You need someone to look you in the face and say, “This isn’t the end. Don’t give up. There is a better place than this. And I’ll lead you there.” Jesus is that person. He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. John 14:6. You know you are heavy laden so accept His offer to come unto Him. Like the sheep, let Him take on all the distractions so you can get some much needed rest.

Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. I can be reached by email at [email protected]. Please forward this to others you think it might encourage. Subscribe to this blog so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted.

How strong is your Core?

A Harvard article stresses why having a strong core is so important to our physical health. “Your core muscles are the sturdy central link in a chain connecting your upper and lower body. Whether you’re hitting a tennis ball or mopping the floor, the necessary motions either originate in your core, or move through it. https://www.health.harvard.edu/healthbeat/the-real-world-benefits-of-strengthening-your-core“It enhances balance and stability when playing sports. It makes a difference even with the simple things like getting out of bed, bending to put on shoes or scooping up a package. Quite frankly, a strong, flexible core underpins almost everything you do.

I am leading my Friday AM Knucklehead group of men through the book, Finishing Well by Bob Buford. https://www.amazon.com/Finishing-Well-Adventure-Beyond-Halftime/dp/031033070X In his conversation with Peter Drucker, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Drucker they leave no doubt the importance knowing what is at our core in our spiritual lives as well. We to know what is at our core and continually work to strengthen it. Buford writes, We have to find our core to know who we are with the understanding that how we go about life springs from it. We need to take the time to figure out what ultimately drives us. Another definition is finding our true identity. Out of that comes a freedom to live your life without the need for recognition, praise, or fame for the good one does. Knowing and acknowledging what is at our core, frees us up to live life for the way we were created. https://biblehub.com/john/8-32.htm

I believe our core identity starts with God. In my Valentine Day blog, I shared He loves us and created us to be in a relationship with Him. When we comes to grip with this Truth, we are freed up to stop chasing success but instead, strive for significance. No matter what age we come to this realization, we embark on the journey of finishing our lives well, This new identity establishes a new core for us. Where we start striving for Significance versus being wrapped up in our own success? We realize what matters most is loving God and then as Buford encourages, “go out knowing what we do impacts other people and will contribute to the spiritual and emotional health of the communities to which God calls us to serve”

I don’t know about you but I have work to do on my physical core. I don’t spend time each day doing what is needed to keep it sturdy even though, Harvard Health shares it is the central link in a chain connecting my upper and lower body. I can say the same for my spiritual core as well. I know my faith in God is what links my heart attitude with my words and actions. I need to do the same daily work in remembering my true core comes from God.

When I do, the fruit of His Spirit in me is produced; “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” Galatians 5:22-23 When my life is exhibiting those characteristics, I know that they spring from my identity in Christ and will create eternal significance rather than earthly success. It allows me to know what Jesus meant when He said in John 15:11 “I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete. I wish the same for you.

Please subscribe to this blog so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. I am grateful for each and everyone of you who takes the time to read what I write. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

How do your return God’s Love and Favor?

I wrote about the fact that God wants to be your Valentine in my last blog post. https://thankfulinallthings.com/god-wants-to-be-your-valentine-will-you-accept-his-gift/ He has offered us an incredible gift that we can only enjoy if we accept it. A week later, we went from the romance of Valentine’s Day to the somber reflection that came last week on Ash Wednesday. I had never put the two together until now. Interestingly enough, next year, they will fall on the same day. https://thedialog.org/featured/rare-meeting-valentines-day-and-ash-wednesday/ I was struck how close Valentine’s Day communicating God loves us and wants to be in a relationship with us. Ash Wednesday take us into the Season of Lent which gives us the opportunity to think about how we return that love. So many people look at Lent as a period of time where they give up something that will help them in some way. What if we took the 6 weeks to move into a deeper relationship with The One who created us? As an example, maybe we give up alcohol, chocolate, snacking after dinner, etc. Good for us but do, when we miss it, do we let it remind us how God misses us when we don’t show up and spend time with Him? Joel 2:12 reminds us the purpose of fasting. ““Even now,” declares the LORD, “return to me with all your heart, with fasting and weeping and mourning.” You see, as my friend Tamra Andres reminded me, “just because something is good (giving up x…….) doesn’t mean it is from God. Only when it’s from God can it always be good.” (author unknown) So what are you going to do differently during Lent to show God you are grateful that you are His child?

I think this Season of Lent should be a time where we return the love that God has bestowed upon us. Nothing will bring the Lord more joy than if you make a decision to spend more time with Him as you prepared to celebrate His Son’s death and resurrection. Think about it. You can tell someone you are grateful for their love and that they are special to you but if you can’t find to spend time with them, will they think you mean it? Like the story of the Prodigal Son, the Father is waiting and when you choose to come be with Him, He will run out to meet and embrace you. “When the father saw the son, he did the unthinkable—he received the son back with ecstatic joy and celebration, and he ran to meet his son while he was still at a distance” (Luke 17:17-20).

Another way of returning God’s favor is by leaving behind what you think might be how you want to spend your time and resolve that over these next several weeks you will be intentional about serving others. By spending more time with God and committing to loving/serving others, we will give Him the honor and glory which He so richly deserves and for what he asks of us. Mark 12; 30 Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’[There is no commandment greater than these.” Our obedience to Him is our greatest gift to the One who wants to be our Valentine. May Lent be a season where you run to Him who wants nothing more than for you to be in His embrace.

Please subscribe to this blog if you haven’t already. I would love to have you get email notifications when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

Is there a veil keeping you from seeing life from God’s perspective?

Have you ever become aware that you are not seeing things clearly because of something getting in the way?  That things can look a bit distorted and out of focus like the photo above? For those who are regular followers of this blog, you know that 2023 is a year I want to RISE UP/P; to be Resolved Intentional Serving Expectantly so I Unleash God’s Purpose/Passion in my life.  https://thankfulinallthings.com/are-you-ready-to-rise-up-p-with-me-in-2023/ I am hoping and praying that I can encourage others to do the same.  To truly Rise Up, we need to have a purpose enabling us to have a true Focus on what we are looking at or where it is we want to go.  I think that purpose is to follow Christ so that God can provide that clear vision that is not distorted by what the world wants us to think is the way to happiness.  It is a vision that is contrary to what many think fulfillment looks like to them.
The veil I talk about here can be removed when we allow ourselves to hear God’s voice and follow him.  “Following Jesus means following Him wherever He leads. It is living out an absolute trust in His judgement and plan for my life. Regardless of the hard situations that arise, my faith in Jesus tells me He is Lord of my life. All of it; the easy, hard and in between.”-Busy Blessed Women blog post. https://busyblessedwomen.com/jesus-said-follow-me/ Loving Him with all our heart, Loving others as He loves us, and then trusting Him with the outcome.  Unfortunately, most of us cannot understand this until something happens in our life that we can’t understand or have no control over.  Our friend 🙂 Oswald Chambers writes, “Troubles always make us look to God, but His blessings tend to divert our attention elsewhere”  Isaiah 45:22 exhorts us to “Look to me, and be saved”  https://www.biblehub.com/isaiah/45-22.htm

Our church welcomed our new pastor this morning.  He preached on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 https://biblia.com/bible/niv/2-corinthians/4/1-6. Check out this link in the coming days to hear the sermon https://www.trinitycville.org/Sermons-And-Audio
In unpacking these 6 verses, he taught us that we are all heralds who are bring the Gospel (the Good News) into the world.  You see the Heralds jobs back in the day were to go places and proclaim what their Master or King wanted their subjects to know.  Like what I wrote last week, their words they spoke mattered because of The One who sent them to convey the message.  They spoke under and with the authority of the ruler who had sent them. He also reminded us that we are all His servants who are to bring the gospel (Good News) to our family, friends, and neighbors. The picture he described was us being given the opportunity to bring those we love platters of food prepared by a renowned chef. As a servant and a herald for our Father, my words to you are, the feast God offers is so much better. It is a banquet that lasts forever.  Not until you allow God to take the veil from your eyes, will you ever see life as He intended you to view it.  A life created by Him that can only be truly enjoyed when we live it out knowing “He wants us to pursue the desires of our heart but His are the plans that will prevail forever”  https://www.biblehub.com/proverbs/19-21.htm  My prayer and hope is that this will help you RISE UP/P allowing you to have God Unleash His Purpose and Passion into your life bringing clarity as to what God intends for your life.  

Thanks for taking the time to read what I have written.  I truly hope that it will encourage you in some way.  Like the heralds, my desire to is to bring a message from the One who loves you that allows you to know you are special and a child of God.  Please subscribe to this blog if you haven’t already.  I can be reached by email at [email protected]

Does having a purpose driven life create pressure or motivation in your life

Last week I shared my word for 2023, RISE.  In the blog, I shared that I want to RISE UP/P this year.  I want to be Resolved, Intentional, Serving, Expectantly Unleashing God’s Purpose and Passion.  Interestingly enough, I had the chance to listen to a Podcast where my thoughts were challenged.  The guest on the show took exception to the concept of a Purpose Driven Life that Rick Warren wrote in his best selling book twenty years ago https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/56495.The_Purpose_Driven_Life  She shared that America has been traumatized by the pressure that everyone feels to have a purpose and leave a lasting legacy so that one will be remembered.  There is no doubt that the pressure to succeed, to make something out of yourself, can eat you up and spit you out.  The lack of life balance has caused many to wake up one day with the regret and question of. “what have I done with this life?” 
I would like to offer you a different perspective on having purpose. 
Instead of it being seen as a negative, Knowing who you are meant to be can help free you up to live an enriched and fulfilled life. 
It can be as simple as leading others to a desire to make a positive difference in the world no matter where you are placed.  One can rise up to this endeavor no matter if they care for kids, bag groceries, run a company, etc. Whether it is personal or in business, it is about building relationships not being transactional.  Not trying to chase the deal or get something out of a friendship but instead asking the question how can I serve?  The negative pressure the podcast speaker spoke about can be alleviated if one finds something they love versus feeding their ego or doing something to appease someone else. 

Here is another way of looking at seeking wisdom on how your life is to be lived.  I am reading through Proverbs this month.  Chapter 10  challenges us to seek wisdom while also heeding God’s discipline to find the way life was meant to be lived.  Yes it is our life to live but verse 17 says by ignoring correction we can lead others astray.  https://biblehub.com/proverbs/10-17.htm You may not think you are a leader but others are watching how you do life.  

The (above mentioned) speaker and I are in agreement on one thing for sure.  Our life should be one that is stress free and without the pressure of measuring up in some way.  God promises peace and joy even in the midst of difficult circumstances.  How can that be you might ask.  My answer from both the old and new testament is quite simple.  He calls me to love Him with all my heart and love others as He loves me.  https://www.biblestudytools.com/matthew/passage/?q=matthew+22:37-39  The life of peace and joy free from the anxieties of the world comes when we live our lives doing these two things and then letting go and trusting Him with the outcome.  

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