How do you keep yourself energized?

Charles Stanley-“Whether or not we affect our world positively depends on the focus of our heart. Do you look inward to consider how you can do more to get ahead and add to your lot in life? Or do you look outward and think about ways that you can do more to serve others?”I posted this recently as one of my daily social media posts. My new Instagram friend Jeff asked me this question, “Is not a balance needed? Can one give what one does not have?” my answer was this, “burnout is a real phenomena, That is why we need to be continually filling ourselves with God‘s love through the Holy Spirit.” I really appreciated him asking me the question as I had already been preparing this message. It came from a devotional from Ashley Headley using her morning cup of coffee. Wait! A cup of coffee.

She wrote, “You can’t pour fresh coffee into a cup already full.” First there is no room for more and second, the fresh taste would be spoiled by the staleness of what was left over from yesterday. God wants us to experience the sweet taste of His abundance. Ashley continues, “Like my morning cup of Joe, God wants to pour His Word, a fresh anointing, and a fresh blessing into us every day.” Like an already full cup, our lives are too full with the distractions of the world. What do we need to empty out so God can have room to give us a fresh perspective on life?” Pastor Jeff was right. We we need to continually replenish ourselves with all He has to offer so we can be the best versions of ourselves. It needs to be a restoration of ourselves vs a renovation project. What is the difference? A renovation makes everything new, fresh, and shiny whereas a restoration brings something back to its original purpose. In this case, when we allow ourselves to stop chasing what the world says is success, we can return to to the beautiful fact that we were all created to be in a relationship with God. We can go about emptying ourselves throughout the day desiring to serve and love others as God loves us. That way we can return each morning with our cup empty so we can experience Psalm 119:103 “How sweet are your words to my taste, [O Lord Jesus,] sweeter than honey (or a fresh cup of coffee) to my mouth” Bill Gautierre sums it up this way. “I meditated on God’s promises and received nourishment for my soul. I prayed them and was strengthened to love my neighbor as the Lord loves me.” May you be encouraged To “put your confidence in God; rely on His Spirit; let the streams of His Living Waters flow into you and through you” (John 7:38-39).

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How do I remain Thankful in all Things?

I wrote a while back about having read Jon Gordon’s book, The Garden. It was a short book that I read on Sunday afternoon sitting by the water at Smith Mountain Lake. As mentioned in this podcast, Jon wrote this parable like story to help folks deal with the fear and anxiety in their lives. The uncertainty in our world today makes the book even more relevant today.

It has been a month since I read The Garden. Little did I know God would use it to once again. Teaching me to remain thankful in all things and remain positive even when what is going on in the world makes me feel otherwise. I was on a Zoom call the other day with some of my oldest and dearest friends. (Side note- 6 months ago, who had even heard of Zoom? ?) The conversation turned to having an attitude of gratitude and whether it can make a difference. Studies like this one show people that stay positive and optimistic. Studies like this one prove what God has said all along. He wants us to have an abundant life (John 10:10). Psalm 91:2 teaches that even in the midst of trying and difficult times we can say of the LORD, “He is my refuge and my fortress, my God, in whom I trust.” In fact, later in the book of John. Jesus says, “He wants His joy to be in each of us so that your joy may be complete.”

I am sure many of you are experiencing your own personal trials and challenges these days. If you have been following along you know my journey through adversity, like what you are facing, has not been easy. We all have to find our own way through it. Here are just a few thoughts on what has helped me.
1) I know that God is with me. As the song, Do it again says, “He has never failed me yet”

2) As Jon Gordon writes in The Garden, I have to fight the distractions of my every day life so that I stay resolved in remaining positive versus succumbing to discouragement.
3) Find ways to be outward focused by serving others. This allows you to break out of just thinking about you and how you wish your circumstances were better.
4) Strive to make every moment matter. Frank Laibach writes, “ Practicing the presence of God is the secret. Paul said “pray without ceasing. In everything make your wants known to God.” As you are led by the Spirit of God you realize you are a child of God“

It is not easy to do. I have recently set up my phone to remind me every 3 hours to “Be Still and know that He is God”. I forget. I get distracted even when I stop to recite The Lord’s Prayer and/or Psalm 23. What I can say is when I do stop and remind myself, my life gains the right perspective and allows me to remain “Thankful in all things”.

My Guillain Barre Syndrome Story can be found at You can contact me via email at [email protected]