Why not Priorities versus Resolutions?

It is the start of a New Year.  The holiday decorations have been put away, the celebrations are over, family has left, and the mundane day to day routine has returned.   What have you put in place to make sure 2025 is a year of growth in all areas of your life? 
 My friend Jon came up with a great idea.  Maybe two weeks is a bit short but after two months may be more like it. Gyms start looking like empty office space because everyone wants to work from home. Going to the gym falls by the way side as do all the resolutions we make but fail to follow through. 
That is why PRIORITIES  will be my Word for 2025 (http://www.getoneword.com )  Last year my Word was PRAYER (https://thankfulinallthings.com/my-thoughts-on-how-i-will-grow-in-2024/
 I chose Prayer because I wanted to have a more consistent and strategic prayer life allowing me to draw closer to God so I could better understand what the Lord’s will was for my life. Although my prayer life improved, I gave some thought to using it as my Word for 2025 as well until I settled on Priorities.

Like Resolutions, I can make things a Priority in all aspects of my life.  I can make my health a priority which can include exercising, the right diet, and the right amount of sleep.  I can make my family a priority which means saying No to other things to make sure I have the time to spend with them.  If I make my devotional and prayer life more intentional, I am confident God will make me more the man He intended me to be.  A man that can lead by example and draw others into a more serious faith journey resulting in 2025 being a year that leaves me being thankful in all things.  Psalms 90:12 “teaches us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”  I think when Moses wrote this, he was saying make knowing God a priority so that you can look back on 2025 as a year of transformation.  Where you come to understand that “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!  2 Corinthians 5:17 Allowing God to count our days will ensure that our days will count!

In closing, I hope you got what you wanted for Christmas especially experiencing the greatest gift of all.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdRzY1rbc7Y Happy New Year to you!  Thanks for continuing to support my writing this blog.  Please reach out to me via email [email protected]  

Are you ready to RISE UP/P with me in 2023

It is that time of year again. Most of you have already begun to think about what you hope to accomplish in 2023.  I certainly have done the same and look forward to seeing what the Lord has in store for me.  One way I do this is by choosing One Word https://getoneword.com/ on which to focus.  As I wrote last year, I think about what my Word will be during the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany means “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way”

I use the season between Christmas and the manifestation of Jesus https://www.britannica.com/topic/Epiphany to reflect and focus on what I think God wants my focus to be for the coming year.  It is different than resolutions.  In fact, I use my word to help me make the most out of every moment of every day.  The last few years have seen me focus on Prayer, Generosity, Embrace to what I think was my most impactful word last year UNITY.   https://thankfulinallthings.com/if-you-focused-on-one-word-in-2022-which-would-you-choose/ So many amazing things happened both personally and professionally because of concentrating on Unity. 

I am grateful that the last 10 days of the year slow down from a business stand point.  Like in the song from Rent, I use it as an opportunity to look back and measure the year https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/rentcast/seasonsoflove.html
525,600 minutes
525,000 moments so dear
525,600 minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

Brad Caldwell who I hope to meet one day challenged folks this week to not be afraid to look back before you rush to set new goals and make New Year’s resolutions.  He asked a legitimate question, “Now that the year is over, would your word be different than the one you set on January 1st?  If you had known, “would you have crafted other goals than the ones you so confidently set for yourself for 2022?

I have no doubt God provided me an epiphany with the words from previous years and I felt the impact of my Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward Yes (UNITY) this year.  I am counting on the same with my word for 2023 as I endeavor to RISE to whatever circumstances come my way.  I break down the word this way: Resolved Intentional Serving Expectantly and as I RISE UP/P my actions will be about Unleashing (God’s) Purpose/Passion for my life. 

Matthew 13:33 says – “The kingdom of Heaven is like a yeast that a woman took and mixed into a large amount of flour until it worked all through the dough.”  The dough needs to be kneaded so the proteins begin to line up in such a way that strands of gluten develop and create a structure that allows for the trapping of gases and the dough to RISE.

I want God to kneed into me the yeast I need to RISE UP/P and be the person He can use for His good pleasure.  May I submit my life to Him so in a way that The apostle Paul referred to our bodies as “jars of clay” (2 Corinthians 4:7, NIV). To say that we are clay in the hands of the Potter acknowledges God’s handiwork as the Master Potter, or Creator, of our physical body.  May it be in 2023. 

I would love to hear what your One Word is for 2023.  I can be reached by email at [email protected].  If you haven’t already, please subscribe so that you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. 

If you focused on One Word in 2022, which would you choose?

Undeniable, Never Ending, Intensity, Toward Yes!

The One Word several years ago by Dan Britton, Jon Gordon, and Jimmy Page. . https://www.onewordchallenge.com/
I am not sure they have ever thought about how cool it is that we choose our Word after Advent and Christmas right before the manifestation of Christ in what is called the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany also means “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way” I..E. Allowing your word for the year coming into focus ?

I had no idea that I would need so much PRAYER in 2019 until I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. (Link to the story here (https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelguthrie ) In 2020 I chose GENEROSITY because of how folks cared for Dottie and me in 2019. Little did I know how many folks would need help because of Covid. EMBRACE has been my One Word in 2021 because I wanted to embrace whatever came my way personally or professionally. Our company merged with a larger one in March.

I may not have known why the last three years, but it is clear what I will concentrate in 2022. I really thought it would be BREAKTHROUGH. It is defined by Merriam-Webster this way. “A sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc. an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something” The world we live in is desperately seeking understanding and explanations to the many challenges we face these days. However, for us to experience true breakthrough, we must have a desire to enact change and to make that happen we need my 2022 word UNITY.

Why? If we are to have UNITY there needs to be an UNCOMPROMISED NEVER ending INTENSITY TOWARD YES! If we can come together and proceed in this effort, we can allow God to use us in forming community (committing to Unity) that brings breakthrough. Together we can help Him release this bound up world. 
Let me be clear. Being Unified does not mean uniformity. We are not and do not have to all be or look the same. In fact Unity is more powerful when it is made up of people who don’t think and look alike and come from different places. I wrote a few weeks back about how the different colors of the leaves make trees more beautiful in the fall. https://thankfulinallthings.com/beauty-can-be-created-by-one-or-in-many/ An orchestra or a choir make beautiful music when they are unified in their harmony and when they know their time to sing or play an instrument

This can not be an individual effort because we will grow tired and weary. No. As John Tillman writes, “rather than attempt to sweep our own house clean and empty, may WE invite Jesus into our mess (Revelation 3.20) so we can be UNITED with Him. He promises to do a renewing, revealing work within and through not you and and therefore, US. He has work of renewal for US to join Him in now. And He who begins a good work in US will see it through to completion (Philippians 1.6). When he is finished, we will have revealed Him to the world.” Like a light shining in the darkest of places.

Light always defeats the darkness!

Yes friends……………Christmas is over. The waiting for Jesus is over. The fun and celebration is behind us.

Howard Thurman’s poem so beautifully reminds us the hard work is now to be done.
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers [and sisters],
To make music in the heart.

“Lord, may we glorify You this coming year by letting go, embracing and rejoicing in Your reign over all things. May we trust Your word never to return void, but in UNITY may we strive to accomplish all You marvelously intend” https://astherainandsnow.com/author/astherainandsnow/

Please subscribe to this blog to receive email notifications when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

My One Word for 2020 will be ……..?

Several years ago I read a book titled, One Word. It was written by my friends Dan Britton and Jimmy Page with help from well known author Jon Gordon. It is quite simple. It provides you a “how to” on how to boil the upcoming year into a One Word focus. You spend time thinking about where you are in your life and what One Word can help you become a better you in the coming year. If you have been a follower of my story here, you know 2019 was quite the year. If you are finding this blog for the first time, you can read previous posts here or go to https://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelguthrie to find out about my year dealing with Guillain Barre Syndrome. The journey I embarked on 10 months ago was one I never expected when I made the decision to choose Prayer for my One Word focus in 2019. I chose prayer because of my desire to be more diligent in my own prayer life. I wanted to trust God more and felt through an enhanced prayer life, i would draw closer to Him as I watched how my prayers would be answered for me and for the others who i committed to pray for regularly. Instead, through my illness, I learned that I was the one who would need everyone else’s prayers. I can’t even number how may folks lifted Dottie and me up not just once but over and over again. The bible says, “Make your requests know to God and you will experience a peace unknown to man” . It also says, “the prayer of a righteous man has great power to prevail” . I am grateful for the multiple of people who have consistently prayed for me and my family from Day one and throughout my continued recovery. There is no doubt that it has given me the power and strength to prevail. My renewed health is an answer to those prayers and for that I am thankful. This thankfulness leads me back to what my One Word will be for 2020. and that word is……..

Generosity! It is my turn to give back. I look back and am astounded by how many people stepped up to care for the Guthrie crew. I have written about this in previous posts. The list of these acts of kindness have continued and are much appreciated. This year I want to be intentional in my generosity. True generosity is an offering; given freely and out of pure love. By its very definition, I want to be a someone who “shows a readiness to give more of something (like money or time) than is expected” like so many have done for me. My One Word is Generosity but I want my focus each day to be a commitment to RISE UP! It reminds and exhorts me to be Resolved Intentional Striving for Extraordinary things with Unbelievable/Unique Purpose/Passion

There is so much hurt and struggle in our world. So much of it makes no sense at all so we become discouraged and cave in to the thought process that there is nothing we can do. My hope is you will join me in Rising Up with a desire to make a difference in your part of the world. If 2019 taught me nothing else, it taught me one’s generosity can make a positive impact as time and time again, it sure impacted mine. Happy New Year everyone!