How did Easter cause you to seek God?

UVA Easter Sunrise Service

Charles Stanley reminds us that we need to be mindful of our priorities. Where do you invest our time and energy? What or who occupies our thoughts?  “As important as our earthly pursuits, responsibilities, and relationships may be, they cannot compare to the value of a life spent seeking the Lord.” The beginning of the year brings New Year resolutions? Easter brings the hope of a new life and the promise that our lives can be made new when we look to Him. How did you seek the Lord during the Easter season? I hope it was a time of refreshment and led you to a renewed desire to reorient your priorities so that life can be all God intends for it to be.

What does it mean to be renewed/refreshed? Why is it important? It is getting warmer outside again. As you walk by a pond, stop and look at it. It may look fine but in fact, it may be stagnant which can lead to fish kills and the rapid growth of floating green organic matter. It happens when there isn’t a constant exchange of living water that keeps a pond environment alive and healthy. Water comes in and fills a stagnant pond during a rain or a snow melt. But there is no outlet to keep the pond water fresh. The same can be said for how we live. Our lives can become stagnant because we are set in our ways which keeps us from receiving the fresh ideas and living water God wants to give us. Like a pond, we have to have an outlet to get rid of the stuff that holds us back from being a better version of ourselves so God has room to intervene and make us better.

Easter gives us that outlet. It comes in two ways. Confession and Forgiveness. 1 John 1;9 says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.” This becomes the outlet that takes away the toxicity from our hearts. Forgiveness does the same thing. Buddha says it this way, ““Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die.” That is why Jesus teaches us in the Lord’s prayer to ask God for forgiveness and then do the same thing to others.

So let’s remember that Easter is not just a one Sunday deal but an event that happened which changed the world forever. Let knowing God sent His Son to die be the living water that brings hope to your life every day. How awesome is it that gives us the outlet through confession and forgiveness to let go of the old so that we can be continually be refreshed and molded into the people for which God created us.

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The power in learning how to wait

Like Advent, Lent is another season where we are taught to wait. This blog originated after my recovery from Guillain Barre Syndrome. GBS paralyzed me from my head down. March 17th marked three years since my arms went back over my head.
“We will be encouraged and strengthened in our faith when we recognize the ways in which God is operating. These glimpses of His handiwork will motivate us to stay the course and help us maintain a godly perspective on life.” This Charles Stanley’s quote reminded me of the fact that God has made many wait until they were ready for what He had for them to do. Sarah, Moses, Noah, Esther, Ruth, John the Baptist, Paul and yes, even Jesus, all were made to wait. Abraham Lincoln and Winston Churchill lost elections before being raised up to do great things. We remember that Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead but forget that his sisters, Mary and Martha sent word to Jesus that their brother needed His help, but Christ delayed before traveling to their home (John 11:3-6).

As we wait over these next four weeks to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus at Easter, ask yourself, ”for what are you waiting?” Have you made a request to God that hasn’t been answered? Are you asking for relief from some type of adversity? Change your question to, ”what is it that you are preparing for me? What do I need to be doing to be ready for the task ahead?” It really is a matter of perspective. No wonder they say ”patience is a virtue”

The season of Lent is a time for personal reflection. If you are facing what seems like a dead end, why not take the time to stop and check out what is around you. Like the Israelites in the desert, what might look like the end, may just be a bend in the road that though longer, will take you where you are meant to go. As Charles Stanley shared, no matter what challenges we face, ”we are to stay the course with the proper perspective”

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Fearful or being Prudent?

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬  I wanted so much to travel next week to our company’s conference in Las Vegas. Many of my agents were going and I wanted to be there with them. I registered and made my plane reservations. This was going to be the time where life was going to start getting back to normal. Last week I regrettably decided not to go. This weekend marks when Guillain Barre Syndrome changed my life forever. As much as I wanted to be there, I was unsettled. I could not find a peace that given my experience with GBS (a rare, autoimmune disorder in which a person’s own immune system damages the nerves, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis) it was worth the risk as Covid can, although rare, can cause a sequential Guillain Barre episode. I would rather not have that experience again.

Since cancelling my travel plans, I have been wrestling with did I do it out of fear or was I making a prudent decision? Timothy writes that we are not to have spirit of fear but in the same sentence he says, God gives us a sound mind. If I am honest, I have found it difficult that most folks I know are back to living their lives as they did before Covid. I see the pictures of everyone travelling, gathering for parties and being in crowded sports arenas. Like going to Vegas next week, I have been tempted to throw caution to the wind so I can enjoy these things again. I do not want to live my life in fear but at the same time I would rather not see if getting Covid would bring on the rare chance of a GBS relapse. Not just for me but for the people (including my wife) whose lives would be impacted should it happen. I also struggle when I am the only one who has a mask on at the functions I do attend. I wonder if folks see it as a weakness and I know it makes some feel uncomfortable to be around me because they aren’t wearing a mask. And so I wait for an answer to is it fear or being prudent? Friends help me with this answer by supporting and understanding why I remain somewhat tied down. Some even said, “Are you crazy?” when I shared my thoughts on going to the company conference. For those who follow this blog, you know my faith and those around me have been what has gotten me through what is now a three year journey.

Wearing the mask is the easy part. I know many don’t think it matters and express they have the right to not wear one especially if they are vaccinated. For me it is personal choice and it has in my opinion been effective. Since wearing a mask, I have not even had my once or twice a year cold. My doctor says he continues to see a very low number of patients with the flu. If wearing a mask keeps me from getting sick, I will continue to wear one in crowded places where I don’t know who I am with or who they have been around who might be sick. Travelling in public transportation is for another day in the hopefully not too distance future.

When I do; “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1,2 If He made the heaven and the earth, I can certainly trust that He has made me of sound mind and will provide me the peace to venture out knowing He is with me always. Until then As Jodie Berndt shared on Twitter recently, ““Friendship doubles our joys and divides our griefs.” “We need to cultivate a spirit of humility—one that is quick to celebrate someone else—instead of a spirit of criticism and contempt? freely.” Let’s be generous with our love, coming alongside others in their hard times and, even more, in their rejoicing.”

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If you focused on One Word in 2022, which would you choose?

Undeniable, Never Ending, Intensity, Toward Yes!

The One Word several years ago by Dan Britton, Jon Gordon, and Jimmy Page. .
I am not sure they have ever thought about how cool it is that we choose our Word after Advent and Christmas right before the manifestation of Christ in what is called the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany also means “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way” I..E. Allowing your word for the year coming into focus ?

I had no idea that I would need so much PRAYER in 2019 until I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. (Link to the story here ( ) In 2020 I chose GENEROSITY because of how folks cared for Dottie and me in 2019. Little did I know how many folks would need help because of Covid. EMBRACE has been my One Word in 2021 because I wanted to embrace whatever came my way personally or professionally. Our company merged with a larger one in March.

I may not have known why the last three years, but it is clear what I will concentrate in 2022. I really thought it would be BREAKTHROUGH. It is defined by Merriam-Webster this way. “A sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc. an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something” The world we live in is desperately seeking understanding and explanations to the many challenges we face these days. However, for us to experience true breakthrough, we must have a desire to enact change and to make that happen we need my 2022 word UNITY.

Why? If we are to have UNITY there needs to be an UNCOMPROMISED NEVER ending INTENSITY TOWARD YES! If we can come together and proceed in this effort, we can allow God to use us in forming community (committing to Unity) that brings breakthrough. Together we can help Him release this bound up world. 
Let me be clear. Being Unified does not mean uniformity. We are not and do not have to all be or look the same. In fact Unity is more powerful when it is made up of people who don’t think and look alike and come from different places. I wrote a few weeks back about how the different colors of the leaves make trees more beautiful in the fall. An orchestra or a choir make beautiful music when they are unified in their harmony and when they know their time to sing or play an instrument

This can not be an individual effort because we will grow tired and weary. No. As John Tillman writes, “rather than attempt to sweep our own house clean and empty, may WE invite Jesus into our mess (Revelation 3.20) so we can be UNITED with Him. He promises to do a renewing, revealing work within and through not you and and therefore, US. He has work of renewal for US to join Him in now. And He who begins a good work in US will see it through to completion (Philippians 1.6). When he is finished, we will have revealed Him to the world.” Like a light shining in the darkest of places.

Light always defeats the darkness!

Yes friends……………Christmas is over. The waiting for Jesus is over. The fun and celebration is behind us.

Howard Thurman’s poem so beautifully reminds us the hard work is now to be done.
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers [and sisters],
To make music in the heart.

“Lord, may we glorify You this coming year by letting go, embracing and rejoicing in Your reign over all things. May we trust Your word never to return void, but in UNITY may we strive to accomplish all You marvelously intend”

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Traveling through a Season of Sadness

The picture above captures how many of us live our lives. Like the clouds, our day to day existence, doing the most mundane of things, keeps us from seeing the splendor of the hills and all life has to offer. The word keep means “to guard, to watch over, or to attend to carefully.” The clouds cause us to miss the beauty that is beyond and above them. The psalmist reminds us that we are to “lift up our eyes to the mountains— where does our help come from? Our help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1,2. This passage reminds us that life is a journey of faith that requires reliance on God. the chapter ends (v 7 & 8) with the promise that will God will “Keep us from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.”

I don’t know about you but I am doing everything I can these days to claim the before mentioned promise. These past several weeks God has moved me into a Season of Sadness. It started late in July when my dear friend Laura Huyett died. Some takeaways that come from funerals – Thankful in all Things Then I found out my very special caretaker, Teresa Jordan passed away with me, because of Covid restrictions, not even knowing she had been sick. 🙁 You, yes You, can make a difference in the world. – Thankful in all Things. Now in the last two weeks, two high school friends, a fraternity brother, and now a dear business partner have died. I am just at the beginning of grappling with it all but it certainly has taken a toll and has clouded my perspective like the clouds do in the valleys. Losing loved ones makes you examine your own mortality and whether one is living life in a way that matters most and in some way makes a positive difference.

Philippians 4 says we are not to be anxious about these things because when we bring our concerns and worries to the Lord, He will provide us peace which surpasses all human understanding. The misnomer here is that having a faith in God means we are never to feel discouraged or depressed. Scripture shows us nothing is father from the truth. Why does Jesus say, “I am the light of the world“? John 8:12 Because the world can be a very dark place and we need God to be “a lamp for my feet and a light on my path.” ( Psalm 119:105) It is not hard to stumble or lose our way in the midst of the darkness that comes our way. A light as small as the pin light on your key chain will cut through the most pitch black of surroundings. God promises to do the same with whatever circumstances come your way. As Ellen Foster shared in the most recent Center for Christian Study newsletter, “I don’t think anxiety or depression have to be things we’re trying from which we are to rid ourselves. Like a check engine light, those feelings may be an invitation for us to pay more attention.” That way, we can endeavor to focus intently on what clouds our vision knowing that through them there are hills from whence our help will come. As for me, I am claiming that promise and trying to walk toward the light that will lead me through this Season of Sadness.

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You, yes You, can make a difference in the world.

A couple weeks ago, I wrote about what I learned from my friend Laura Huyett’s memorial service. In it, I shared how she would always ask those who came to care for her, “How is your day going?” One person responded, “my days would be much better if I had more people like you in it“. I was sadly reminded of this very thing last week. I met a woman while recovering at Albemarle Rehab Center from Guillain Barre syndrome. Her name was Teresa Jordan and she absolutely made my very challenging days and nights much better. Unfortunately, she died this past week after a battle with cancer. Her job obviously was to care for her patients but God created a special bond between her, Dottie, and me. When I was well enough to go home, she and I hugged and cried together. She was always so happy when I would stop by to check on her. The restrictions placed because of Covid robbed me of more time with her. In fact, I didn’t even know she was sick. I am saddened that I did not get a chance to go visit, cheer her up like she did me, and pray. Thankfully, a mutual friend texted this after she died. “She would have loved seeing you. You were her number one patient “of all time.” She cried every time you walked into AHR.” I am glad I made her life better by being in it as she did mine.

Teresa, along with many others like Sheri, Susan, Tony, Rob, Jarrett, and Hilary, exemplified the mantra, my life was better because she was in it. I had no idea I would be writing about her when I posted about Laura’s death. I will now do my best moving forward to carry out both of their legacies in wanting to make other peoples lives better. My hope is that you will be encouraged to do what Matthew 5:16 instructs, “In the same way, let your light shine before people, so they can see the good things you do and praise your Father who is in heaven.” Get out of your own mindset and look around you. There are people crossing your path every day that are really hurting and discouraged. Galatians 6:2 says we are to “Carry each other’s burdens and so you will fulfill the law of Christ.” … You may be just the person God has chosen to lift them up. Will you respond like Isaiah did in Isaiah 6:8, saying “Here I am Lord, send me”

Teresa, thank you for your life and for what it meant to me. I will never forget you and will always try to find ways to make others feel as special as you did me. Please subscribe to this blog to get email notifications when new content is added. You can reach me by email at [email protected]

Running the race with purpose.

Finding a way to be thankful in all things depends on how you choose to run this race called life. I renamed my recovery from Guillain Barre the “180 Project” because I had two goals. 1) I wanted God to use the lessons He taught me through the adversity. I asked for Him to transform me into more and more the man He created me to be so I could be used fir His purposes. 2) I wanted my weight to once again be in the 180’s preferably 180) where it hadn’t been in a very long time. #1 has come a long way but I am still a work in progress but #2 is in sight (182 as I write)  My mantra became and has continued to be RISE UPP!!  RESOLVED INTENTIONAL STRIVING for ETERNAL things with UNDENIABLE PURPOSE/PASSION. 

My dear friend, Pamela Bunn, writes “Life is a long race, God our trainer, and holiness (and heaven) our goal. Without good physical, mental, and spiritual posture, we are hindered from running it well. Between the cloud of witnesses (who have completed the race) to encourage us at the start, and the finish line that yields the fruit and crown of righteousness, our heavenly coach tends to us personally for our good. His instruction, His example, and His tools are useful and effective in accomplishing His purposes.” Visit her blog at

Each of us need a cloud of witnesses to encourage us along the way. It is very hard to go at life transformation alone. This African proverb says it well. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far go together.” Here are some of my encouragers 🙂

Grateful to have these folks show up to encourage us along the way

Jodie Berndt shares this about the importance of friendships. -“We can start with prayer but God created us for connection; we are hard-wired, science tells us, for love. We can ask God to give us—and make us—good friends, and to open our eyes to the life-giving relationships he wants us to cultivate.”

Paul sums it up this way in 1st Timothy, “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” I can in my own way say the same. I have fought the good fight through Guillain Barre Syndrome and then being impacted by the self-isolation of Covid. I have not yet finished the race but I have kept the faith which has become even more real through these seasons of challenge and adversity. I can personally attest to the fact that, whatever you are going through, God is right there with you. Look to Him for all things. Like me, you will find Him in every place and every time.

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“Is your Attitude on Straight?”

I worked for Coldwell Banker back in the 1990’s. Dick Purvis was my boss but also an incredible mentor. He had all of his management team wear a lapel pin with the word Attitude. When he saw you or communicated with us, he would say, “put on a positive attitude and make sure it is on straight.” It became a daily affirmation with all of us much like “How will I make a positive difference in the world today” which I have been saying since the early 80’s. This blog is called Thankful in All Things for a reason. I started writing it to share lessons I have learned through adversity. It comes from finding life is better by having an attitude of gratitude which recently reminded me of Dick’s lapel pin.

When you look honestly at yourself, how do you feel about your attitude? If you find that you look at the glass and see it half empty vs half full, think about why what might be causing your pessimism or negativity? Are you an Adder, Subtractor, Multiplier or a Divider? As I wrote about a couple weeks ago, we need to FACE our thoughts, TRACE what causes us to feel that way, ERASE it, and then find a way to REPLACE it with a positive mindset moving forward. This is what Dick meant when he would encourage us to have our attitude on straight.

Philippians 2:2-4 explains how having a Christ like mindset will keep our attitude in the right place. Paul writes, “Make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Charles Stanley explains it this way. “My limited human perspective doesn’t allow me to grasp His greater plan. However, I can confirm the truth of this biblical promise because the Father’s good handiwork appears all through my pain, hardship, and loss. I have experienced Him turn mourning into gladness and have seen Him reap bountiful blessings and benefits from my darkest hours.”

The truth that Charles writes about can set you free. John 8:31,32 states, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Free to live a life that allows you to face the challenges this life brings, conquer your fears, not seek others approval, but instead, live for an “audience of One” Who you can trust with the outcome. The One who created you and made you who you are. Knowing there is no one else like you and your are here for a purpose will help you keep that attitude on straight.

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Who is the person you see in the mirror?

I was recently challenged by Glenn Lundy to read the above poem. I read it with new eyes given what I have gone through over the last couple of years what with Guillain Barre in 2019 and Covid in 2020. You might find it helpful to do the same focusing on how you have dealt with your own adversities. Find a mirror and take a look. WHO DO YOU SEE? Have you changed for the good over these last 14 months? Are you in better shape physically or have you put on the Covid 19? How have you grown as a person or have you, given the lock down, hit the pause button on becoming a little better each and every day? Isn’t it interesting how doing a self check by looking in the mirror can raise so many questions?? On a side note, I will never hear this song in the same way ?

WHAT DO YOU SEE? Are you happy with the person who is looking back at you? I talked to a friend who used to shave in the dark because he knew he was out of shape. It wasn’t until his wife challenged him with some tough love that he decided to make a change. He now feels a lot better about the man in the glass. What do you say to the person so that you will want to become a better version of yourself? I have three. 1) How will you make a positive difference in the world today. 2) What will I do today that will move me closer to my goals? 3) Luke 10:27 “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.'” I love you Lord and I will do my best to love others as you love me. When I do, I will trust You with the outcome of my actions.

WHAT DON’T YOU SEE? Recently, Dottie noticed a bump on my back that she thought had grown. Try as I might, even with other mirrors, I could not see it. It was a blind spot for me. I challenge you to read Miles McPherson’s book, The Third Option. He shares that we all have blind spots in our lives. Just like I needed Dottie to point out mine on my back, we need others in our lives who can lovingly share, like my friend’s wife, that there are things holding us back from serving others while becoming the new creation God promises us when we come to know Him. (PS-I did go to the doctor for the bump and it is nothing serious:)

WHO ELSE DO YOU SEE? When you gaze directly in the mirror, what you see is you. However, when you move just a bit peering into the same glass, others come into your vision. This thought encourages me to remember, it is not always about my life, but the life of theirs around me. It motivates toward having a more wide angled lens approach to those who God has cross my path. My hope and my prayer for you is that your reflection will provide God’s guiding light for those who are traveling through the darkness of depression or discouragement. Matthew 5:16 “Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.’ 

This poem captures it all. Same words read differently say the exact opposite.

As you look in the mirror, which of the poem’s perspective will you strive for moving forward. If you found this blog post helpful, please subscribe so that you can receive email notifications when I post new content. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

My word for 2021 is Embrace

I have been doing the One Word challenge for several years now. I wish I had written them all down. I do know that 2018 was Blessed because I realized how often I forgot how much I had for which to be thankful. Who would have guessed when I chose Prayer as my 2019 word, it would be so needed as I battled Guillain Barre Syndrome chronicled here. 2020’s word Generosity was an easy one to choose. I wanted to pay forward the generosity everyone shared with Dottie and me the previous year. Covid19 gave me lots of ways to practice generosity. Thinking of and stepping out to serve others kept me from self-isolation pity parties and spiraling into discouragement. If these last few years have taught me anything, it has been stuff happens that is totally out of my control. That is why my word this year is EMBRACE. My focus will be on two different meanings of the word. “an act of holding someone closely in one’s arms.” and “accept or support (a belief, theory, or change) willingly and enthusiastically.” Instead of trying to figure out why things happen, I want to trust God enough knowing “that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28. Therefore, I can be thankful in all things.
Charles Stanley writes-“Signs of God’s blessing are all around us, but discerning them can be difficult. We tend to think God is moving and blessing us when things are going well—when marriages are thriving, we get the promotion, or sickness is healed. But He blesses us even in the wilderness of our lives—in the unknown, unpredictable, and uncomfortable. When things are difficult, it’s common to believe the solution is to move past our problems—to change our circumstances. But God doesn’t just pluck us out of the desert places. Usually, He comes alongside us, bringing life, water, and renewed hope as we journey onward.”

This is what I want to do with 2021. Embrace whatever comes my way. Over these last two years, I have experienced God’s presence in ways that have deepened my faith. I have learned the need to Abide in Christ to have the confidence I can trust Him no matter what the outcome. Jesus teaches in John 15 that we are to cling to the True Vine. John 15:7 says, “If you abide in me, and my words abide in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. I think we can all agree that clinging on to something during these stormy times sounds like a pretty good idea. It has certainly worked for me and I believe it will work for you as well. This passage communicates we are to be grafted into a place God has prepared for us as a result our faith in Him. The better that attachment the more our new life of faith can flourish. My hope is as I focus on clinging even tighter to my relationship with God, more of what He wants for my life will appear. The result will be the fruit produced by my embracing Him no matter what 2021 brings with it.

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