I will be speaking this coming Saturday during the Faith Forward Summit. The summit coordinator, Angeline Moore, asked me to provide two songs to use as part of my introduction. I did not have to think about which ones. The first comes from the movie, The Greatest Showman. I encourage you to watch this video before reading the rest of the blog
Brian Buffini says, “Great things happen when you get fired up!” This song fires me up every time I watch it because it teaches us to :
Not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone ( step away from your music stand)
Ask others to encourage you as you strive to be who you were meant to be
Others will be encouraged to be a better them when you show them
Your life will make a difference to those around you.
Amazing things will happen when we cross the T off I Can’t making it I Can because others have encouraged you to Believe!
I wrote last week about My Word for 2022 being Unity. It stands for Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward Yes! We all have hopes and have made resolutions for this coming year. Are you aware that the majority of us give up within one to six weeks of starting, and many of these resolutions are repeated year after year. There are many reasons why most New Year resolutions don’t stick. The one reason I want to focus on is we don’t have others (like in the This is Me song) believing and cheering us on. Astalented as Keela is, she didn’t step out and really sing until she looked around the room and realized everyone was for her and needed her to sing as she ultimately did.
We see scripture differently depending on what we are experiencing. Two of my favorite passages in John are when Jesus heals the paralyzed man (John 2) who has been lowered through a roof and when he raises Lazurus from the dead (John 11) in front of Lazurus’ family and friends. In both cases, it was the support of others that was needed. In john 2:5 Jesue says to the four friends, “Because of your faith, this man will be healed”. In John 11, Jesus says to those around Lazurus, ” Now take off his grave clothes so he can go home with you”. Both stories show we need others to help us move our faith forward. We need friends who will bring us to Jesus and we need friends to help remove things in our lives that keep us from living the life God created us to live. I will be speaking on this topic this Saturday during the Faith Forward Summit I mentioned earlier. Register here https://bit.ly/faithforwardsummit
So what can we do from now on in 2022? We can in Unity experience real breakthrough in our lives. We can help bring breakthrough into our relationships and in our community. We can if, with God’s help, Together cross the T off I Can’t making it I CAN so we can all move forward with an Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward Yes !!
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