In the Prodigal Son story, which character(s) are you?

We all are the main characters in our own stories, the central planet in our life’s universe. Everything revolves around us. Dottie’s mom summed it up best by saying, “wherever I go, there I am”. Likewise, we all become the support cast for other people’s stories as protagonists, antagonists, serving minor roles, or even extras in your story.

A life changing book for me was Henri Nouwen’s Portrait of a Prodigal Son. Back in 1992 Henri Nouwen received permission to visit the museum which houses the Rembrandt masterpiece daily and even into the night after the museum was closed. Nouwen spent literally hours and days alone sitting in a chair gazing at each character in the painting, studying every detail in hopes of discovering its spiritual reality for him. Before being introduced to this book, I had studied and given talks on this Luke 15:11-32 parable more times than I can count. It wasn’t until I read this wonderful portrayal that I realized there was more than one main character in the story. I have no excuse because the 1st verse starts with “there were two sons and if you know the story, the father also plays a huge supporting role in Jesus’ teaching.”

The lessons most of us learn from or try to teach in the story is 1) How selfish and greedy the younger son is in asking for his inheritance. It is like he is saying Dad, “I wish you were dead” 2) The same son after squandering all he has been given realizes he would be better off as a servant to his father than living the life he had created by his stupidity. He chooses to go home and ask forgiveness knowing he is unworthy of any kindness from his father. 3) We learn how strong a father’s love is for a child. He has waited for this day; yearning for his son’s return and offers nothing but love and forgiveness. The moral to the story is quite obvious. We learn from these two characters that God knows we will screw up as we think we know how to live life best without Him. We also see that He will be waiting for our return and when we do, He will welcome us and restore our position of being his children. Isn’t it great that there is a happy ending for this wayward child? But wait, is it really a happy ending?

This book did not end well for me. Why? Because like I shared earlier, verse 11 says “there were two sons.” When I started reading what Nouwen wrote about the older brother, tears began to stream down my face. I had never seen what this passage of scripture was trying to teach me. Why? I am the oldest son in my family but my role in this story is I am always trying to do what is right and seeking the approval of my parents, family members, etc. It was like in 2nd Corinthians 3:14, “But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away.” Gratefully, a veil was lifted and I saw myself before God in an entirely new way. I could not relate to the Prodigal. What I was made to see was my “older brother self-righteous mindset.” My Father you owe me attitude was just as bad as what the younger brother had done. It was like a slap across the face when my thinking I could earn God’s love was not unlike what the younger brother had done by asking for his inheritance.

The sad part of this lesson from Jesus is, unlike the child who came home with a repentant heart, we don’t know if the older brother ever realizes his selfishness. Verse 28 says, “he became angry and refused to enter the celebration for his wayward sibling.” I am so glad this particular blind spot of my character was removed. Like the Father waited for the Prodigal, I know he also kept watch hoping the older brother would see the error of his ways and return to the party asking for the same forgiveness his brother had rehearsed over and over on his way home. I am so glad I read this book many years ago. It allowed me to realize God’s forgiveness and joy because, like the Prodigal Son, I had returned into His waiting and outstretched arms. I also know when I stumble and find myself back in an older brother mindset, God is always there to love and encourage me forward regardless of how many times it happens.

I hope you will take the time to read and meditate on Luke 15:11-32 and then read this insightful book. When you figure out which character best suits you, ask your loving Father to forgive you. He promises to restore you to your rightful place as an heir to the throne, his adopted Son or Daughter in Christ. Romans 8:17

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Stop Listening to others and Talk to yourself

Do you let others tell you who you are or who you can or can’t be? How can you make sure you live the life God created for you?

There are encouragers in this world but there are also those who want nothing more than to discourage us. They want to “rain on your parade” by saying what you are trying to do won’t work or can’t be done. In many cases, it is because they don’t want you to get to a better place than them. Isn’t it so easy these days to look around and wish you were someone else. Social Media allows you to see people living what look to be wonderful lives and having the kind of success for which you are striving. The discouragers or the people whose lives look so easy can make us feel second rate causing us to think, “I could never be that kind of person”

Listening to or watching others can cause us to go down a mental rabbit hole which causes us to say things like, “I can’t, I will never, There is no way, or I wish.” That is why God says to Joshua, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.”

The lesson here is we are to speak the right things into our minds and our hearts instead of letting others tell us what kinds of lives we can live. A coach shared this thought process with me years ago. “Do not let others plant bad seeds by saying it can’t be done or that we aren’t good enough. Instead, allow only good seeds to be planted and then pick the right people who will encourage, nourish, and fertilize those positive thoughts. Jesus says, “I tell you the truth, if you had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it would move. Nothing would be impossible” That faith; those good seeds planted in your heart will allow you to slowly but surely cross the T off I Can’t; turning your mindset to I CAN! Why, because you BELIEVE.

So what will you speak into your life today? How will you keep from letting the negative thoughts ( the bad seeds) from strangling the wonderful things you want to accomplish? Meditate on this, the Word of God. “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:31,32 Free for what? To live the incredible life God has for you. One that produces abundance beyond anything you can imagine. John 10:10 Then go out and show others that goodness and mercy is what the Lord intends for all of us.

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Fearful or being Prudent?

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy‬ ‭1:7‬  I wanted so much to travel next week to our company’s conference in Las Vegas. Many of my agents were going and I wanted to be there with them. I registered and made my plane reservations. This was going to be the time where life was going to start getting back to normal. Last week I regrettably decided not to go. This weekend marks when Guillain Barre Syndrome changed my life forever. As much as I wanted to be there, I was unsettled. I could not find a peace that given my experience with GBS (a rare, autoimmune disorder in which a person’s own immune system damages the nerves, causing muscle weakness and sometimes paralysis) it was worth the risk as Covid can, although rare, can cause a sequential Guillain Barre episode. I would rather not have that experience again.

Since cancelling my travel plans, I have been wrestling with did I do it out of fear or was I making a prudent decision? Timothy writes that we are not to have spirit of fear but in the same sentence he says, God gives us a sound mind. If I am honest, I have found it difficult that most folks I know are back to living their lives as they did before Covid. I see the pictures of everyone travelling, gathering for parties and being in crowded sports arenas. Like going to Vegas next week, I have been tempted to throw caution to the wind so I can enjoy these things again. I do not want to live my life in fear but at the same time I would rather not see if getting Covid would bring on the rare chance of a GBS relapse. Not just for me but for the people (including my wife) whose lives would be impacted should it happen. I also struggle when I am the only one who has a mask on at the functions I do attend. I wonder if folks see it as a weakness and I know it makes some feel uncomfortable to be around me because they aren’t wearing a mask. And so I wait for an answer to is it fear or being prudent? Friends help me with this answer by supporting and understanding why I remain somewhat tied down. Some even said, “Are you crazy?” when I shared my thoughts on going to the company conference. For those who follow this blog, you know my faith and those around me have been what has gotten me through what is now a three year journey.

Wearing the mask is the easy part. I know many don’t think it matters and express they have the right to not wear one especially if they are vaccinated. For me it is personal choice and it has in my opinion been effective. Since wearing a mask, I have not even had my once or twice a year cold. My doctor says he continues to see a very low number of patients with the flu. If wearing a mask keeps me from getting sick, I will continue to wear one in crowded places where I don’t know who I am with or who they have been around who might be sick. Travelling in public transportation is for another day in the hopefully not too distance future.

When I do; “I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1,2 If He made the heaven and the earth, I can certainly trust that He has made me of sound mind and will provide me the peace to venture out knowing He is with me always. Until then As Jodie Berndt shared on Twitter recently, ““Friendship doubles our joys and divides our griefs.” “We need to cultivate a spirit of humility—one that is quick to celebrate someone else—instead of a spirit of criticism and contempt? freely.” Let’s be generous with our love, coming alongside others in their hard times and, even more, in their rejoicing.”

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Learning how to follow, helps us to better lead

Make no mistake. All of us are called to be leaders. Stop for a moment and think about who is looking for you to lead them through their lives or even a challenging moment. Are you willing to step up and if so, are you prepared to take on the responsibilities that come with being a leader?

Dave Anderson shares to be a good leader, we must first learn to be a good follower. “Before West Point expects cadets to become leaders, they train them how to be good followers. America’s leadership university designs the entire freshman (plebe) year around the idea of followership. Before you can effectively lead others, you need to understand how to be a good follower.” That way we can harken back to what it felt like to follow someone who set a positive example of what leading others looked like to you and how it may you feel. Dave goes on to say and I paraphrase, “The definition of Selflessness is putting the needs of others before our own needs, desires or convenience. When we can learn to do that as a follower, it creates a habit that will prepare us to do the same thing when we are called to lead others in the future.” Check out his character test here. Be honest 🙂 How did you do?

Another term for selflessness is servant heartedness. Think about how you felt when being served. Doesn’t it make you want to go out and serve others so they can be made to feel the same way? It is what I call “turning the word gratitude into a verb”. Being served by others will help us learn the impact we can have when we serve them. One lesson that is very hard to learn for one in a leadership position is asking for or accepting when offered, someone’s help. The misnomer here is that leaders are to be strong and not show a weakness or vulnerability. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Think about a beautifully wrapped present that someone wants to give to you. The present doesn’t become a gift until the person receiving it accepts it. Its purpose is left unfulfilled. My friend, Kim Farrar, says it this way. “I cannot bless you if you won’t accept what it is I am trying to give or you say how can I repay you?”

John Maxwell writes, “If you’re all alone, that means nobody is following you. And if nobody is following you, then you’re not really leading.”

Who is God calling you to lead? Even if only one person comes to mind, be the best leader you can be by finding ways to serve them well. Love and care for them as God loves and cares for you. That way you can confidently move lives forward (wink, wink, Liza Myers Borches) implementing what Dave Anderson writes about Followership. That it is a foundation to leadership. Someone who learns to be a good follower, will be more prepared to be a good leader.” There is noone better to follow first than our Lord Jesus Christ. When we do he promises in Matthew 4:19 to make you “fishers of mankind”.

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Have you ever been told you need to ”Get a Grip?”

Life sometimes comes at us faster than we can react or comprehend. It causes us to feel out of kilter seemingly unable to cope. Our anxiety rises and our behavior shows things are getting might out of control. An inner voice or maybe someone you know encourages you to ”Get a Grip!” Like in a dentist chair or heading up the hill on a roller coaster ride, we grip tightly to something or someone for whatever is coming our way. But is that really how God wants us to react?

A case can be made that instead of getting a grip, we should practice letting go. Instead of trying to hold on to or control something, God says to trust Him with the outcome. God tells Abram in Genesis 13:17, ”Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” He tells him this right after he and Lot quarrel and decide to part ways. The message here is that God had something better planned for Abram and his family Abram’s job was to ”let go and let God” show him where he was to go next.

I had my own Abram moment when my youngest daughter asked to go to a private Christian school two hours away from where we lived. She felt she needed a change and to my surprise, Dottie was backing her in this decision. I was wretched. I did not want to miss being part of her high school years. I fought with God and I made my wife and daughter cry on more than one occasion because I thought I knew what was best. I was doing my best to control something that was out of my control hurting others along the way. God spoke to me through a radio show. The host talked about living a life in an opened handed manner. That way, God could add to or take things away that were keeping me from experiencing the length and breadth of the life God wants for me and my family. When I let go of my grip regarding Becca’s school decision, a peace that transcended all human understanding came over me. Who would have known her decision would, like Abram, lead us to move to Charlottesville 5 years later?

What are you trying to control? Aren’t you tired of trying to hold on through your own strength. Loosen your GRIP. Relax your clenched fists and open your palms upward. Watch how it allows God to bring forth His blessings and take away the things that are holding you back from the life He desires and like Abram, He is giving to you.

You can try getting a GRIP on your life as In His Grip does it. G (Read God’s Word) R ( See what if REVEALS to you. I (find ways to IMPLEMENT what you learned into your life.) P (PRAY to God for it to happen).

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Here’s a resolution for you. Live like you are dying

My Friday morning men’s group is reading through Henri Nouwen’s book, ”Our Greatest Gift”. He writes about learning how to die and how we are to best care for those who are dying. our conversation reminded my of Tim McGraw’s song, Live like you were dying

He sings ”I went skydiving
I went Rocky Mountain climbing
I went 2.7 seconds on a bull named Fumanchu
And I loved deeper
And I spoke sweeter
And I gave forgiveness I’d been denying”
And he said
“Someday I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dying”

Like the song says, If we were to live like we are dying, our perspectives would most certainly change. i am sure most of us would be much more intentional in how we spent our time and yes, find ways to be Thankful in all Things!

Guillain Barre Syndrome did this for me. Although I never thought I was going to die (some around me thought so ?) my life changed forever because of my bout with this disease. As Nouwen writes in his book, it brought be face to face with my mortality. I had very rarely been sick and then suddenly I was paralyzed from my head down looking at being on a ventilator if my lungs shut down. ** In no way do I want to have that experience again but in that moment, I have never felt closer to God. He met me in that place and as a friend said recently, ”when I reached for God I realized He already had a hold on me like the poem Footprints in the Sand”.

Or in the grass on golf course 🙂

I also was never more appreciative of my friends and family as they rose up to care for me and Dottie. When I get discouraged or my day isn’t going well, I conjur back to almost three years ago where I am reminded of how blessed I am today and feel fortunate to have had that experience. I am a better man having gone through it. I love deeper “I try to speak sweeter. I look for His promises in the Good Book.” Yes, as Tim McGraw’s continues, my wish for you is:

Someday I hope you get the chance
To live like you were dying
Like tomorrow was a gift
And you’ve got eternity
To think about
What you’d do with it
What could you do with it
What did I do with it?
What would I do with it?

Yesterday is past, tomorrow is not guaranteed, today is a gift. That is why it is call a present ? Please subscribe the blog so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected] PS. **If you don’t know my GBS story you can visit

Have you grown tired? Do you find yourself weary?

Isaiah 40 says, ”Those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength, they will mount up like eagles with wings of great length.” I have always loved this verse. It teaches and reminds us that we are to wait upon the Lord’s leading, versus, running out ahead saying, come with me. These days however, I am being taught that we need others to wait on us or sometimes, we need to slow down so that others can catch up. Why? Because we are stronger together versus going at life alone. That is why desiring my word for 2022 Unity is so important. This does not mean we aren’t to step out in faith and lead. in fact, I believe, ”We must sometimes 1st so we can then encourage others to do the same.”

When I was recovering from Guillain-Barre, I went to the track to measure my progress. How many laps could I walk? Would it be possible to run a complete lap? Sometimes my daughter and her son would join me. Bruce was on his bike. Often, he would realize I was far behind so he would stop and wait for me. Two things happened 1) It made me pick up my pace 2) I was encouraged to keep going as he rode along side me. The same thing happened a few months later when I not only ran a lap, I finished a 5K with my friend Kaitlyn who was celebrating almost one year from getting a heart transplant. She had to stop and wait for me so we could finish the race together.

So what is the lesson here? The next time you find yourself frustrated with someone because they are not as far along in their faith journey, understanding the mask/vaccine issues, etc. take the time to slow down and wait for them to catch up. Encourage them as they try to catch up. What if you are the one trying to catch up in the areas already mentioned or maybe gaining perspective from someone that doesn’t look like you or has been treated differently than you? You may need to step it up a bit understanding they have been trying to effect change for a long time and are wondering what took you so long ? Either way we need to strive to understand each other’s stories so we can be reminded we are indeed unique but we are all God’s children. His Word speaks to both.

1Thessalonians 5:11 commands Christians to continue to encourage and lift up fellow followers. ”Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.” and…Deuteronomy 31:6 “Be strong and courageous. · No temptation or hardship has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. · Cast your cares on the LORD and He and those who love you will sustain and move you forward” We need to do it 1st so we can then do it for others

Do you surround yourself with encouragers or with discouragers

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How has Martin Luther King’s life motivated you?

On this day do you remember? There is a reason that Dion’s song, “Does anyone here” remains one of my favorites. When we fret about where our world is today, look back. I was 11 when JFK was killed and 16 when Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were also assassinated. It was a very divisive and scary time. My question on this MLK Day is not do we remember these men, but in our remembrance, how does it motivate us to be better men and women?

I had the privilege of helping our local newspaper find people to share their thoughts on what Martin Luther King’s life meant to them. Here is the link should be interested in what was written Dr. King lived a life that left a legacy for all to follow. It causes us as Jeff Burton writes, to “ask ourselves, how is it today that I can act; what can I do to leave this place better than I found it; to do our small part to inspire others for good” Nathan Walton, in the publication noted above, asks, “What story are we telling?…..This day gives us an opportunity to tell a new story for our own moment” As we look back this MLK quote should help to move us forward.  “We have come a long, long way but we still have a long, long way to go.”

City of Promise ED, Mary Coleman writes that our story needs to be one where we have learned from the past so we can be exhorted to help make a brighter future. She asks, “Where do we go from here? Will we choose chaos or community in a unified manner that King describes as persevering togetherness.” Yes! There is my 2022 Word. Unity. Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward YES! We can be motivated by others to make our story one that sets an example for those around us. It can be a story line that causes Breakthrough by lifting up others and like MLK, motivating them to pursue peace while making a positive difference in the world versus creating divisiveness and selfishly ignoring those who need our help. Dr King was in no way a perfect man. But he was a man who believed he was redeemed by His Creator and called into a work that would ultimately cost him his life. This gives me hope as I hope it will you. It teaches nothing is impossible for those who love God. Luke 1:37 promises us “that we have the privilege of serving a God who can literally do anything, and there is nothing that is impossible for him.

Therefore let us strive to live out the beatitudes noted in Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn,
    for they will be comforted.
Blessed are the meek,
    for they will inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
    for they will be filled.
 Blessed are the merciful,
    for they will be shown mercy.
 Blessed are the pure in heart,
    for they will see God.
Blessed are the peacemakers,
    for they will be called children of God.
Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness,
    for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. “Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you like Dr King.

When we live our life this way, we will leave our personal legacy that others will continue because of the way you motivated them.

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It’s 2022…What will you do from Now On?

I will be speaking this coming Saturday during the Faith Forward Summit. The summit coordinator, Angeline Moore, asked me to provide two songs to use as part of my introduction. I did not have to think about which ones. The first comes from the movie, The Greatest Showman. I encourage you to watch this video before reading the rest of the blog

Brian Buffini says, “Great things happen when you get fired up!”  This song fires me up every time I watch it because it teaches us to :

Not be afraid to get out of your comfort zone ( step away from your music stand)

Ask others to encourage you as you strive to be who you were meant to be

Others will be encouraged to be a better them when you show them

Your life will make a difference to those around you.

Amazing things will happen when we cross the T off I Can’t making it I Can because others have encouraged you to Believe!

I wrote last week about My Word for 2022 being Unity. It stands for Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward Yes! We all have hopes and have made resolutions for this coming year. Are you aware that the majority of us give up within one to six weeks of starting, and many of these resolutions are repeated year after year. There are many reasons why most New Year resolutions don’t stick. The one reason I want to focus on is we don’t have others (like in the This is Me song) believing and cheering us on. Astalented as Keela is, she didn’t step out and really sing until she looked around the room and realized everyone was for her and needed her to sing as she ultimately did.

We see scripture differently depending on what we are experiencing. Two of my favorite passages in John are when Jesus heals the paralyzed man (John 2) who has been lowered through a roof and when he raises Lazurus from the dead (John 11) in front of Lazurus’ family and friends. In both cases, it was the support of others that was needed. In john 2:5 Jesue says to the four friends, “Because of your faith, this man will be healed”. In John 11, Jesus says to those around Lazurus, ” Now take off his grave clothes so he can go home with you”. Both stories show we need others to help us move our faith forward. We need friends who will bring us to Jesus and we need friends to help remove things in our lives that keep us from living the life God created us to live. I will be speaking on this topic this Saturday during the Faith Forward Summit I mentioned earlier. Register here

So what can we do from now on in 2022? We can in Unity experience real breakthrough in our lives. We can help bring breakthrough into our relationships and in our community. We can if, with God’s help, Together cross the T off I Can’t making it I CAN so we can all move forward with an Uncompromised Never-ending Intensity Toward Yes !!

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If you focused on One Word in 2022, which would you choose?

Undeniable, Never Ending, Intensity, Toward Yes!

The One Word several years ago by Dan Britton, Jon Gordon, and Jimmy Page. .
I am not sure they have ever thought about how cool it is that we choose our Word after Advent and Christmas right before the manifestation of Christ in what is called the Season of Epiphany. Epiphany also means “a moment in which you suddenly see or understand something in a new or very clear way” I..E. Allowing your word for the year coming into focus ?

I had no idea that I would need so much PRAYER in 2019 until I was diagnosed with Guillain Barre Syndrome. (Link to the story here ( ) In 2020 I chose GENEROSITY because of how folks cared for Dottie and me in 2019. Little did I know how many folks would need help because of Covid. EMBRACE has been my One Word in 2021 because I wanted to embrace whatever came my way personally or professionally. Our company merged with a larger one in March.

I may not have known why the last three years, but it is clear what I will concentrate in 2022. I really thought it would be BREAKTHROUGH. It is defined by Merriam-Webster this way. “A sudden increase in knowledge, understanding, etc. an important discovery that happens after trying for a long time to understand or explain something” The world we live in is desperately seeking understanding and explanations to the many challenges we face these days. However, for us to experience true breakthrough, we must have a desire to enact change and to make that happen we need my 2022 word UNITY.

Why? If we are to have UNITY there needs to be an UNCOMPROMISED NEVER ending INTENSITY TOWARD YES! If we can come together and proceed in this effort, we can allow God to use us in forming community (committing to Unity) that brings breakthrough. Together we can help Him release this bound up world. 
Let me be clear. Being Unified does not mean uniformity. We are not and do not have to all be or look the same. In fact Unity is more powerful when it is made up of people who don’t think and look alike and come from different places. I wrote a few weeks back about how the different colors of the leaves make trees more beautiful in the fall. An orchestra or a choir make beautiful music when they are unified in their harmony and when they know their time to sing or play an instrument

This can not be an individual effort because we will grow tired and weary. No. As John Tillman writes, “rather than attempt to sweep our own house clean and empty, may WE invite Jesus into our mess (Revelation 3.20) so we can be UNITED with Him. He promises to do a renewing, revealing work within and through not you and and therefore, US. He has work of renewal for US to join Him in now. And He who begins a good work in US will see it through to completion (Philippians 1.6). When he is finished, we will have revealed Him to the world.” Like a light shining in the darkest of places.

Light always defeats the darkness!

Yes friends……………Christmas is over. The waiting for Jesus is over. The fun and celebration is behind us.

Howard Thurman’s poem so beautifully reminds us the hard work is now to be done.
When the song of the angels is stilled,
When the star in the sky is gone,
When the kings and princes are home,
When the shepherds are back with their flock,
The work of Christmas begins:
To find the lost,
To heal the broken,
To feed the hungry,
To release the prisoner,
To rebuild the nations,
To bring peace among brothers [and sisters],
To make music in the heart.

“Lord, may we glorify You this coming year by letting go, embracing and rejoicing in Your reign over all things. May we trust Your word never to return void, but in UNITY may we strive to accomplish all You marvelously intend”

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