I have a Code to Life, what is yours?

In my last blog post, I wrote about how do you go about seeking out the key (The Code) to a successful life. I used an analogy of an electronic gate that if opened would lead you where you desired to go. Once opened, your life would not only be filled with success but be one that was seen as significant. This, not just success, but significance process comes from Bob Buford’s book, Finishing Well. https://www.christianbook.com/finishing-well-adventure-life-beyond-halftime/bob-buford/9780310330707/pd/330707 Through 60 interviews of leaders, Bob makes the point that finding ways to make a significant impact lead people to a longer, healthier, and more fulfilled life overall. I guess I was well ahead of my time ? because since I started my real estate career in 1983, one of my affirmations has been “What positive difference will I make in the world today?” One that I have added recently is “Thank you for this new day Lord. How can I serve you today?” This comes from Psalm 118:24 “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” And from Isaiah 6:8 “Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for�us?” And I said, “Here am I. Send�me!” This verse also leads me to Joshua 24:15 “But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD.”

I ended my last post saying I would share what I have found to be The Code for my life. How have I gotten to the place where making a positive difference in the world and wanting to serve are my two main focuses each day? I cannot speak for anyone else but me but finding The Code is like being thirsty and needing to find something to quench my thirst. Craig Denison in First15 said it this way. “Do you find yourself unsatisfied? Thinking there must be more? It is like an unquenchable thirst.   A thirst that is infinite that nothing finite can satisfy.” I hope those who know me or have been regular readers of “thankful in all things” would be able to say the unquenchable thirst in my life is satisfied because of my faith. The Code if you will, is knowing that I was created and loved by the God of the universe.

Matthew 6:33 challenges me to “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” If I seek Him first, not some but ALL things will be given. Not just in plenty but in want and in my case not just in health but in sickness. Little did I know that my faith of 50 years would be tested through my battle with Guillain Barre Syndrome http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/michaelguthrie and than through self-isolation due to my compromised immune system during Covid19. I sought the Lord for His presence and His help. What I received was a faith made even more real because He met me in that journey through adversity. He wants to do the same for you no matter what obstacles you are facing. Isaiah 33:6 shares the key to a significant life. We are to “have a sure foundation and the rich store of salvation and knowledge and wisdom which can be unlocked by this: having a deep awe and respect  (fear) of God.”
When boiled down to a simple daily mission statement, my code comes down to this focus. “Love the Lord with all your heart. Love others as He love you. Then let go go and trust that the outcome will lead you to a more significant and abundant life.”

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