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![]() I am so glad I ate my black eyed peas and collard greens on New Year’s Day! If I hadn’t who knew what might have happened. We are three weeks into the year and have been sick plus dealing with an L4/L5 impingement in my back that has created great pain in my S1 nerve that runs from my hip to below my knee. Thanks to stretching, PT, and chiropractic adjustments, I feel much better. If the snow would go away I might even to swing a golf club again 🙂 The key now is to do whatever I can to keep my body aligned so that I keep this from happening again. This recuperative process has caused me to think about how being properly aligned is so important not just physically but spiritually as well. Scripture teaches that alignment with God involves surrendering our desires, plans, and thoughts to His perfect purposes The Bible emphasizes the importance of aligning our hearts, minds, and actions with God’s divine plan #AI ![]() The word alignment is never used in the Bible but Jenn Schultz https://jennschultzauthor.com/alignment-with-god-what-it-means-and-looks-like/ says, “Aligning with God means submitting to his wisdom, instead of trying to invent our own. She goes on by writing, The Bible, and the Proverbs in particular, keep reminding us that rue wisdom is found in God when we acknowledge that his ways are greater than any we can assemble on our own? https://www.bible.com/bible/111/PRO.2.6-8.niv A strong core is critical for our body to be in proper alignment. It serves as the foundation. Years ago, I wrote that we must be tethered to the right source. https://thankfulinallthings.com/to-what-are-you-tethered/ Just like a balloon, if it is not anchored properly, it is subject to whatever direction the wind wants to blow it. These days, who we align ourselves (positively or negatively) with can move us in a direction we never imagined. ![]() What is your foundation? Matthew 7:24 “Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock” With whom are you aligned? John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. “Life can be challenging, but with faith, love, hope, and trust—we can face anything with confidence, knowing God is walking with us every step of the way.” #IGLiving_Christian “With God all things are possible.” Matthew 19:26 Thanks for taking the time to read my blog. If you haven’t already, please feel free to subscribe.so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. I can be reached by email at [email protected] |