How Significant Moments propel our lives forward

Have you ever had a “Burning Bush” experience? I am guessing your answer is no but if you think about it, I am also guessing you have had your own “holy/significant moments”. I am reading through Exodus right now with some friends and wrote this prayer after reading about Moses’ burning bush encounter with God. “Lord you are my refuge and my foundation. You are my encourager and my strength. Let me step forward like Moses saying, “Here I am! The question then remains, “how do I have the courage and confidence to go where He wants me to go?”

The story in Exodus confirmed what I wanted to write about this week. I hope to encourage you to think back to those significant moments that changed the direction of your life. The snake turning into a staff and the arm healed of leprosy allowed Moses to be reminded that God is with Him no matter where he goes. The wonderful book, “Hinds feet in High places” by Hannah Hurnard, teaches us how to look back so we can be encouraged to move forward. It is the story of how Much-Afraid escaped from her Fearing relatives and went with the Shepherd to the High Places where “perfect love casteth out fear.” She does it by keeping pebbles in a satchel to remind her of the times the Shepherd helped her when she wanted to turn back.

What pebbles do you have in your satchel? If you have never done it before, take some time to look back on your life. When you do, you will see that you persevered in those moments which makes it easier the next time a big decision needs to be made or you are going through a hard time. For me, like recovering from Guillain-Barre Syndrome, it strengthens my faith. Remembering those past moments allows me to have an even stronger faith that God is with me and will walk me the most difficult of times.

My son and I are golfers. We were talking the other day about how to handle a tough conversation. He shared with me the concept of “swing thoughts”. You see in golf as Dave Cook writes in the book, Sacred Journey, , visualizing allows your brain to prepare the proper swing thoughts so you can hit the right shot.. Dave shares we must “See it, Feel it, Trust it”. If I can see the shot, feel the swing I need, I can then trust that I will hit the ball properly. The same concept can be used in our lives as we look back on the significant moments. If we have the proper swing thoughts, we can make sure we say the rights things, not overact or get defensive, or maybe even forgive someone who has done your harm. Looking back and seeing that you made it through other tough situations will help propel you confidently into the next one. The confidence comes from having the right swing thoughts where you reach in your mental pocket and pull out the pebble reminding you that you will get through whatever challenges you next. It may not be as cool as a burning bush, but I can assure you God is there encouraging onward toward being the best version of you.

Thanks for joining me on this #thankfulinallthings journey. Please subscribe to the blog so you can receive email notifications when new content is posted. I would love to hear how what I write is encouraging you. I can be reached by email at [email protected]

One Reply to “How Significant Moments propel our lives forward”

  1. In our house group last week, we took the opportunity to look back across our lives to think about a mentor we’d had that had had significant influence in propelling us forward in our Christian walk. We came to the conclusion that, as older individuals, there hadn’t been just one mentor, friend, or acquaintance, but many, and at just the right time, that had been influential in keeping us going in the right direction–picking us up, encouraging us, walking with us, relating similar experiences, providing wisdom. It was quite a time of recall for all of us!

    Ed Lawhorn
    Blacksburg, Va.

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