Life sometimes comes at us faster than we can react or comprehend. It causes us to feel out of kilter seemingly unable to cope. Our anxiety rises and our behavior shows things are getting might out of control. An inner voice or maybe someone you know encourages you to ”Get a Grip!” Like in a dentist chair or heading up the hill on a roller coaster ride, we grip tightly to something or someone for whatever is coming our way. But is that really how God wants us to react?
A case can be made that instead of getting a grip, we should practice letting go. Instead of trying to hold on to or control something, God says to trust Him with the outcome. God tells Abram in Genesis 13:17, ”Go, walk through the length and breadth of the land, for I am giving it to you.” He tells him this right after he and Lot quarrel and decide to part ways. The message here is that God had something better planned for Abram and his family Abram’s job was to ”let go and let God” show him where he was to go next.
I had my own Abram moment when my youngest daughter asked to go to a private Christian school two hours away from where we lived. She felt she needed a change and to my surprise, Dottie was backing her in this decision. I was wretched. I did not want to miss being part of her high school years. I fought with God and I made my wife and daughter cry on more than one occasion because I thought I knew what was best. I was doing my best to control something that was out of my control hurting others along the way. God spoke to me through a radio show. The host talked about living a life in an opened handed manner. That way, God could add to or take things away that were keeping me from experiencing the length and breadth of the life God wants for me and my family. When I let go of my grip regarding Becca’s school decision, a peace that transcended all human understanding https://biblia.com/bible/esv/philippians/4/7 came over me. Who would have known her decision would, like Abram, lead us to move to Charlottesville 5 years later?

What are you trying to control? Aren’t you tired of trying to hold on through your own strength. Loosen your GRIP. Relax your clenched fists and open your palms upward. Watch how it allows God to bring forth His blessings and take away the things that are holding you back from the life He desires and like Abram, He is giving to you.
You can try getting a GRIP on your life as In His Grip www.inhisgripgolf.com does it. G (Read God’s Word) R ( See what if REVEALS to you. I (find ways to IMPLEMENT what you learned into your life.) P (PRAY to God for it to happen).
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