Is there a veil keeping you from seeing life from God’s perspective?

Have you ever become aware that you are not seeing things clearly because of something getting in the way?  That things can look a bit distorted and out of focus like the photo above? For those who are regular followers of this blog, you know that 2023 is a year I want to RISE UP/P; to be Resolved Intentional Serving Expectantly so I Unleash God’s Purpose/Passion in my life. I am hoping and praying that I can encourage others to do the same.  To truly Rise Up, we need to have a purpose enabling us to have a true Focus on what we are looking at or where it is we want to go.  I think that purpose is to follow Christ so that God can provide that clear vision that is not distorted by what the world wants us to think is the way to happiness.  It is a vision that is contrary to what many think fulfillment looks like to them.
The veil I talk about here can be removed when we allow ourselves to hear God’s voice and follow him.  “Following Jesus means following Him wherever He leads. It is living out an absolute trust in His judgement and plan for my life. Regardless of the hard situations that arise, my faith in Jesus tells me He is Lord of my life. All of it; the easy, hard and in between.”-Busy Blessed Women blog post. Loving Him with all our heart, Loving others as He loves us, and then trusting Him with the outcome.  Unfortunately, most of us cannot understand this until something happens in our life that we can’t understand or have no control over.  Our friend 🙂 Oswald Chambers writes, “Troubles always make us look to God, but His blessings tend to divert our attention elsewhere”  Isaiah 45:22 exhorts us to “Look to me, and be saved”

Our church welcomed our new pastor this morning.  He preached on 2 Corinthians 4:1-6 Check out this link in the coming days to hear the sermon
In unpacking these 6 verses, he taught us that we are all heralds who are bring the Gospel (the Good News) into the world.  You see the Heralds jobs back in the day were to go places and proclaim what their Master or King wanted their subjects to know.  Like what I wrote last week, their words they spoke mattered because of The One who sent them to convey the message.  They spoke under and with the authority of the ruler who had sent them. He also reminded us that we are all His servants who are to bring the gospel (Good News) to our family, friends, and neighbors. The picture he described was us being given the opportunity to bring those we love platters of food prepared by a renowned chef. As a servant and a herald for our Father, my words to you are, the feast God offers is so much better. It is a banquet that lasts forever.  Not until you allow God to take the veil from your eyes, will you ever see life as He intended you to view it.  A life created by Him that can only be truly enjoyed when we live it out knowing “He wants us to pursue the desires of our heart but His are the plans that will prevail forever”  My prayer and hope is that this will help you RISE UP/P allowing you to have God Unleash His Purpose and Passion into your life bringing clarity as to what God intends for your life.  

Thanks for taking the time to read what I have written.  I truly hope that it will encourage you in some way.  Like the heralds, my desire to is to bring a message from the One who loves you that allows you to know you are special and a child of God.  Please subscribe to this blog if you haven’t already.  I can be reached by email at [email protected]